June 28, 2011

Manila City Council approved the hiring of a part-time employee, reimbursement to council members on insurance premiums, approved employee bonuses, and worked through old and new business at the Monday, June 20, meeting...

Manila City Council approved the hiring of a part-time employee, reimbursement to council members on insurance premiums, approved employee bonuses, and worked through old and new business at the Monday, June 20, meeting.

Following an executive session, the board voted unanimously to hire David Pasley part time, 24 hours a week.

All council members were present. They were Dale Murphy, Jason Baltimore, Linda Donovan, Larry "Whiz" Davis, Donnie Wagner, and Tony Hawkins.

Councilman Hawkins made a motion that would give elected officials who choose not to participate in the city insurance plan compensation of 75 percent of the city's premium cost. The motion was seconded by Baltimore and approved unanimously.

Mayor Wayne Wagner and the council made plans to meet Monday evening to go to Paragould to tour the swimming pool/water park facility.

"We can see if we can build a smaller version to meet our needs," Mayor Wagner said. "We presently have a $305,000 certificate of deposit in the swimming pool account. We will need more to go with it to build what our kids deserve."

Wagner said if public hearings could be held in July and a one cent tax on the ballot in October passes to help pay for a water complex, construction could begin in spring of 2012.

Mayor Wagner recommended giving employee bonuses the same as last year.

"Funds are about the same as last year," he said.

Council voted unanimously to approve the bonuses. Mayor Wagner said they would try to get the bonus checks ready to distribute to the employees by July 4.

Mayor Wagner said the council will be looking at covered trash containers for all residences. The city truck will be able to pick up the cans with the employees having to do no lifting.

"This will help keep the animals out of trash and help with the clean-up effort underway," Wagner said. "We may be able to supply the trash cans for a one time cost of $60 or people can have $5 a month for one year attached to their water bill. We have 1,400 water meters in town. Henry Ford and the city workers are doing a good job. The wind storms are keeping everyone busy but the guys are making progress."

Sgt. Delbert Carter with the Manila Police Department received the Countywide Drug Officer of the Year and the State award from the Arkansas narcotics Officer Association.

"We are proud of our officers," Mayor Wagner said. "Sgt. Carter receiving the award shows we have good officers working to get drugs out of Manila."

In other business:

*Mayor Wagner updated council on the possible purchase of the Jim Berry building for a city shop. He said the grant money for 35 percent is still available.

*The recent storm damaged two computers and a television. Mayor Wagner said they will be replacing the computers getting Rebecca and Jackie back on line.

*There will be a benefit wrestling at the Manila Community Center sponsored by Chris Byrd on Saturday, July 9, to benefit the Back to School program.

*Mayor Wagner said the fire department received a contribution in memory of Bobby White from Jim Cheadle.

*Mayor Wagner said there will be an update on the new city website, manilaarkansas.org, at the July meeting.

*Mayor Wagner expressed his appreciation to Southworth for refurbishing the picnic tables to be placed at the city park. The tables were purchased from Arkansas State University.

*The city's new fire truck will be on display at the July meeting. Lake City purchased the 1977 truck to use at the Dixie site.

*Mayor Wagner said they are still working with the county attorney on the proposed jail fees of $55 per day per individual.

*The city will receive bids on remodeling the old 100 building at the airport to be used by the youth association as a physical fitness building.
