June 28, 2011

Lake City Council approved the condemning of property, approved rules and regulations for Lake City Memorial Cemetery, accepted bids for paving, discussed a dog ordinance, and discussed an amendment to the Planning and Zoning Ordinance at the regular meeting held on Monday, June 20...

Lake City Council approved the condemning of property, approved rules and regulations for Lake City Memorial Cemetery, accepted bids for paving, discussed a dog ordinance, and discussed an amendment to the Planning and Zoning Ordinance at the regular meeting held on Monday, June 20.

Aldermen present were Harold Barker, Tommy Eakins, Ann Davis, Jeffery Wisham, Danny Dunigan and Brenda Hutcheson. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jon Milligan. Also present was City Clerk, Linda Simpson.

Following the approval of the May 16 minutes, the council reviewed the monthly finance report presented by Mayor Milligan.

City Clerk Simpson read the third reading of Ordinance No. 252-11, an ordinance authorizing for rules and regulations for use of The Lake City Memorial Cemetery. The Ordinance was approved unanimously.

Mayor Milligan presented bids for paving finishing Cobean Boulevard. The city received three bids with the lowest from Atlas Asphalt for $10,320. Council members voted unanimously to accept the low bid to finish the paving of Cobean, which also includes

an alley 20'x30' section between Extreme Rides and Farmers Market.

Mayor Milligan presented a letter from Code Enforcer Terry Chisnall and the planning and zoning committee recommending the house on 402 Prairie Street be condemned and demolished. The council voted to start the necessary proceedings to condemn and demolish the house.

A dog ordinance was reviewed and discussed by the council. It was decided to table the decision until Mayor Milligan can speak with the city's attorney.

Alderman Barker presented a request for an Amendment to the Planning and Zoning Ordinance Section 12, regarding curbs and gutters. After some discussion, a motion was made by Alderman Barker and seconded by Alderman Dunigan to accept the changes and present Ordinance No. 251-11 for reading. The motion was approved by all members present.

Simpson read the first reading of Ordinance 251-11, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 96. The Zoning Ordinance Amending Section 12, Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 4, Page 57, Section 6 Curbs and Gutters. A motion was made by Alderman Barker and seconded by Hutcheson to accept the first reading of the ordinance.

The council approved the second and third reading by title only and the emergency clause.
