The following reports were recently filed at the Blytheville Police Department:
A local business reported Wednesday that a shoplifter walked out of the store with two BB guns, valued at $144, without paying for them.
A resident of South 17th Street reported receiving threats by telephone.
A North Second Street resident reported that windows in the home were broken. The estimated cost of repairs was listed at $350.
On Tuesday, a resident of East Rose reported receiving harassing phone calls and texts.
Police assisted the owners of property on Cypress Street in serving a failure to vacate notice.
A business on East Main reported a window valued at $200 was broken.
A resident of West Davis reported that a vehicle's paint was scratched. Repairs were estimated at $2,500.
A business on East Ash reported the theft of scrap metal valued at $750.
Officers were called to a home on North Wedgewood for a burglary alarm and instead found a a bag containing 1.75 ounces of marijuana and various paraphernalia. No arrests were made.
On Monday, a resident of West Roosevelt reported receiving harassing phone calls.
A Rollison Street resident reported a car window valued at $300 was broken.