May 24, 2011

Prior to the Monday, May 16, Manila City Council meeting, a dedication of the new sign "In God We Trust" was held with Brother Jared Russell presiding at the ceremony. Council members had voted unanimously to display the words "In God We Trust" in the meeting area at the January meeting. The words were placed above the doors of the meeting room...

Prior to the Monday, May 16, Manila City Council meeting, a dedication of the new sign "In God We Trust" was held with Brother Jared Russell presiding at the ceremony.

Council members had voted unanimously to display the words "In God We Trust" in the meeting area at the January meeting. The words were placed above the doors of the meeting room.

Roll call was held following the meeting with all council members, Donnie Wagner Linda Donovan, Larry "Whiz" Davis, Dale Murphy, Tony Hawkins and Jason Baltimore, present.

Mayor Wayne Wagner reported the city had been approved for an 80/20 grant to renovate the large hangar at the airport. The grant will provide $126,000 and the city's part will be $30,000.

Oates Construction was awarded the low bid for the project. Work should begin June 1 and be completed by Labor Day.

Plans are also underway to tear down the old building 200 at the airport. The city will do the work.

Wagner said he had met with Ginger Berry and they have started the discussion about the possible purchase of a building from the Berry family to be used for the maintenance shop.

"I have talked to representatives in Little Rock and we should receive the same 35 percent grant we had been approved for on a new building," Mayor Wagner said.

Mayor Wagner complimented the clean-up crew in Manila for a good job.

"We will continue free service at the transfer station on Saturdays through May," Wagner announced.

Councilman Donnie Wagner said it is time to start on a new park project.

"If we don't get started on a new park, we will never get one," he said. "I know we are doing necessary work at the park but it is time to start looking at 40 acres or whatever it will take to get a new one started."

Councilman Murphy agreed it was time to get the land.

Councilman Baltimore said after they meet with the people in Little Rock they need to have something to bring back to the citizens of Manila. He said plans need to be in place. Baltimore said he would like to see the city breaking ground for a pool/water park next spring.

Mayor Wagner said there is a $300,000 certificate of deposit in the bank for the pool. He said after they meet with the grant writers and the engineer they will have some idea of what the total cost will be. He also said there will be a need for public meetings to see what the citizens want.

In other business:

*Mayor Wagner said he has a meeting with the solid waste commission. The city is discussing acquiring large trash containers for the residents of Manila and recycling projects.

*Wagner will set up meetings for the councilmen while in Little Rock attending the Municipal League meetings to meet with representatives on a swimming pool and with the solid waste reps.

*The council had no objection for a benefit wrestling at the community center on July 9 to help with a back to school supply project.

*They also had no objections to a gospel concert scheduled for June 3 at the community center to benefit the Mallard Lake project.

*Mayor Wagner announced the Fire Department received a $200 donation from Jim Cheadle in honor of the late Bobby White. Wagner said he will give the donation to the Fire Chief.

*The council voted to purchase advertising for a Memorial Day Salute on KLCN.

*The council discussed the webpage,, which should be online this summer. Wagner said it will be a good source of information.

*Mayor Wagner informed the council picnic tables from ASU had been purchased and Southworth is going to paint and make the tables. The tables will be placed at the park as a community service from Southworth.

*Fire Chief Keith Bennett has asked about allowing Lake City to purchase the 1977 green fire truck when Manila's new truck arrives. The council did not express any objections.

*The city received a letter from the ABC Board informing them of Farmers Market request to sell packaged beer and wine. The board took no action on the request.

*Mayor Wagner said the city had received a letter about signing a two year contract for Mississippi County for new jail fees of $45 a day for the first year and $50 a day for the second year. Manila has been paying $55 a day. Manila City Attorney Wes Wagner will meet with their attorney and get back to the council at the next meeting.

*The council took no action after an executive session.

*A motion to adjourn ended with Murphy, Hawkins, and Baltimore voting no and Donovan, Davis, and Wagner voting yes. Mayor Wagner broke the tie with a yes vote and the meeting was adjourned.

*Councilman Baltimore requested insurance be on the agenda for next month's meeting.
