April 26, 2011

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department.

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department:

An East Moultrie Street resident reported Monday that someone took a gun from the glove compartment of a vehicle. A pit bull puppy was also stolen from the home. The gun was valued at $160. The dog was valued at $50. The vehicle had $170 in damages.

A resident of Kingwood Street reported the theft of a four-wheeler valued at $2,500.

A Peabody Street resident reported the theft of a television, DVD player and computer, valued at $1,040. Entry was gained through an open window.

A resident of South Crescent Street reported someone attempted to burglarize the home. A window was damaged.

An area business reported that a resident of West Hardin Street had rented a television valued at $3,460 and a computer work $729 and had left without paying for items.

On Monday, a resident of Blytheville reported the violation of a court order on South Lake Street.

A resident reported a door was damaged at a residence at Seventh and Jamison Streets.

