Lake City Council worked through several items on the agenda during the regular meeting held April 18. Attending were Mayor Jon Milligan, Aldermen Harold Barker, Tommy Eakins, Ann Davis, Jeffery Wisham, Danny Dunigan and Brenda Hutcheson and City Clerk Linda Simpson.
Mayor Milligan discussed with the council reimbursement for an employee on Medicare.
Mayor Milligan said employee Richard Varner will be 65 years old in April.
"The city's insurance provider requires that he be covered under Medicare," he said. "Insurance is a benefit that the city offers its employees."
A motion was made by Alderman Dunigan and seconded by Alderman Wisham to reimburse Varner for his Medicare insurance and his supplement policy, effective April 1, 2011, as long as he chooses to remain employed by the City. The motion was accepted and approved unanimously.
The council again voted unanimously to grant permission for Mayor Milligan and City Clerk Simpson to be authorizing signatures on documents for USDA.
Simpson read the first reading of Ordinance 252-11, an ordinance authorized for rules and regulations for use of the Lake City memorial cemetery. A motion was made by Alderman Dunigan and seconded by Alderman Davis to accept the first reading of the ordinance. Motion was approved unanimously.
Alderman Harold Barker, who also serves as chairman for the Planning and Zoning committee, brought several recommendations to the council.
A motion was made by Alderman Dunigan and seconded by Alderman Davis to allow Lee Beasley a variance for her property located adjacent to Riverpark Subdivision for one year, to farm 30 plus acres, with the City to re-visit variance each year up to two years. No rice can be planted, no crop dusting by airplanes, and no burning by farmers. No farm equipment or water wagons will be allowed on city streets.
The motion passed unanimously.
The board also approved a variance to allow Judy Mann to tear down present house located on Highway 18 and replace it with a 2011 Clayton Living Smart modular home, which is 28x76', 2128 square feet with five bedrooms, and three baths.
A motion was made by Alderman Eakins and seconded by Alderman Dunigan to allow a collaborative agreement between the mayor, street superintendent, and building inspector to make necessary changes on road tile to 15" or 18" on "an as needed basis." The motion was approved unanimously.
Council voted to allow Dennis Holden to add a new street to Dennis Holden Subdivision 3. The new street is located off of Hickory Street and will be named Bart Street. Requirements included gavel must be on the road bed for one year and then paved in 30 days. A permit will be required at no charge. The street will be paved with asphalt, subject to city specs and reviewed by City Council.