April 26, 2011

The Caraway City Council met Thursday, April 14, with a full agenda consisting of reports, opening of bids, contracts, evaluation, and Park Commission appointments. Mayor Barry Riley reported that Basler Electric is still doing testing on the former business property before it is turned over to the city...

The Caraway City Council met Thursday, April 14, with a full agenda consisting of reports, opening of bids, contracts, evaluation, and Park Commission appointments.

Mayor Barry Riley reported that Basler Electric is still doing testing on the former business property before it is turned over to the city.

Roofing is delayed on the city hall complex, due to delivery of incorrect color choice.

A new city generator for the Water and Sewer Department has arrived and is waiting pouring of a pad for permanent placement.

Water tank painting is scheduled to be completed in two weeks. Work is also being done to repair a leak in the underground tank.

Bids were opened for sale of the city's Nissan truck. Bids included $360 from Troy Yancy; $356.95 from Wayne Rolland; $302 from Kyle Jeffers; $601 from Mike Staton; $251 from Dennis Stevens; and $300 from Kathy McMillian. The bid from Mike Staton for $601 was accepted for approval.

A bid of $1,000 was received for the Ditch Witch, but did not meet the minimum bid required by the city council. Mayor Riley agreed to look into using placing the equipment on the Arkansas Municipal League internet site for possible sale.

The city voted to accept bids for mowing of the city cemetery with the same requirements as last year. Bids will be opened on Tuesday, April 26.

The council passed Resolution #2011-1 to condemn property located at 105 Johnson, as property is in violation of Resolution #2008-1. The property is found to be a hazard to public safety.

San Francisco Street property found to be out of compliance is due to be condemned if improvements are not made. Owner has been contacted.

Delta Disposal has asked for an increase on rates, as allowed by contract with the city. The company CEO, Mr. Eaton, has asked to be put on probation and would like to meet with the council during the June meeting for review of rates. Mayor Riley asked the council to be aware of Delta's service in the coming months in anticipation of this meeting.

The council went into executive session to discuss hiring for the Water Department. After they reconvened in regular session, the council agreed to allow Water Superintendent Terry Couch to hire up to two employees, at his discretion, at $10 per hour, and not to exceed 29 hours a week per person. Couch is also allowed to hire an employee to work full-time for the Water Department. Couch will test and evaluate the person's level of ability for the job and salary will be determined at that time.

Mayor Riley asked for three volunteers to work on Police Department salaries recommendation, along with other department issues, and report back at the May 12 council meeting.

The council accepted the resignation of Caraway Park Commissioner Mark Shasteen. Edgar T. Daniels will replace Shasteen on the commission with a three-year term. Jordan Adcock was appointed to replace Wendy Riley on the Park Commission and Al Lunsford to replace Michael Adams. Both of these will serve five-year terms.

The schedule of special events will include:

*Caraway Cemetery Clean-Up is scheduled for April 16 at 8 a.m.

*Annual Caraway Ambulance Auction will be April 16 at 6 p.m. Boston butts will be sold for $25 each, at the ambulance bay.

*City Clean Sweep will be April 18.

*Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 23, at 1 p.m.

*Caraway Car Show, April 30 at 8 a.m.

*Caraway Fishing Rodeo, May 7 from 8 to 11 a.m.
