April 13, 2011

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department.

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department:

A 15-year-old juvenile subject was arrested at a location on Division Street and charged with disorderly conduct, terroristic threatening and refusal to submit. The child was turned over to juvenile authorities.

A Chickasawba Street resident reported Tuesday that someone attempted to break into the home. The resident saw someone's hand reaching through a broken window. The resident screamed and the burglar fled.

On Monday, Michael Jackson, 19, of 326 Walker St., was arrested on East Tennessee Street for possession of marijuana. Officers found a partially smoked cigarette and a baggie of marijuana that weighed more than one ounce.

A Blytheville resident reported a vehicle break-in and the theft of purses and contents valued at $350. The vehicle was parked at Blytheville High School.

A resident of North Crescent Street reported being scammed of $595 in a mortgage refinance scheme.

A resident of South Second Street reported someone had forged checks from their bank account for $17,000.

Officers were called to a residence on East Dougan Street for a domestic battery.

A resident of East Davis reported someone threatened to kill them.

On Sunday, a resident of Normandy Extended reported that a vehicle had been "keyed," causing $350 in damages.

Jonathan C. Reid, 22, of 701 N. Second Street was cited for DWI after his vehicle crossed a yard and damaged a fence. Witnesses stated that Reid was holding a can of compressed air commonly used to clean computer equipment at the time of the accident.

Officers were called to a residence on South Ruddle Road where a 5-year-old girl reported being sexually assaulted by an 8-year-old boy.

Eric Dixon, 38, of 625 E. Rose, and a 17-year-old girl were both arrested at a residence on Melody Lane for domestic battery. The couple has a child together.

