March 23, 2011

Following the tragic death of a 14-year-old girl Wednesday night in Gosnell -- who was hit by a truck while crossing the street -- Gosnell Police Chief Bobby Trump would like to remind the public of some basic pedestrian and traffic safety tips.

Following the tragic death of a 14-year-old girl Wednesday night in Gosnell -- who was hit by a truck while crossing the street -- Gosnell Police Chief Bobby Trump would like to remind the public of some basic pedestrian and traffic safety tips.

For pedestrians:

* When walking at night, wear light colored clothing, a reflective vest, or carry some type of lighting device.

* Use sidewalks whenever they are available.

* When crossing the street, use a crosswalk when available.

* Walk in a single file line when in a group.

* Pay attention to the surroundings, and always make sure a vehicle is stopping before crossing in front of it.

* If walking with an iPod or other MP3 player, wear only one earpiece so approaching traffic can be easily heard.

For drivers:

* Observe posted speed limits, especially in school zones and residential neighborhoods.

* Be extra vigilant in areas where children are present.

* Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, and wait until they are through the crosswalk before proceeding.

* Slow and be prepared to stop when passing a pedestrian, because they may not see you.

* Use cell phones only when necessary and according to the law.

Trump also noted that it is illegal for persons under 18 to use cell phones at all while driving, that persons between the ages of 18 and 21 may use a cell phone only with a hands-free device, and that no one may legally text while driving.

"You can never assume that the other person sees you," said Trump, in reference to pedestrians and drivers.
