My apologies to friend Richard Schlosser -- sometimes us old folks know what we want to say it just doesn't always come off as planned. So, for everyone's information -- if you are interested in great photos of your animal family better get to it and make your appointment (March 23--26); he books up pretty fast. A reminder he donates his proceeds to the shelter.
Another friend of mine is upset with me over his dog. We have received many calls regarding the failing condition of his animal. We visited him several weeks ago and advised him the animal was much too thin and he needed to increase the calories and make sure the area was free of waste and make sure she had plenty of fresh water. I saw no evidence of this being done. On the contrary, the animal appeared thinner and weaker, so we carried it to the vet and discovered that the animal was infested with nearly all named parasites (abdominal) and had heartworms as well. Anyone that knows us will know that the animal comes first -- personalities later. The animal would probably have perished had we not intervened. It is not a pleasant job, but if you are going to keep an animal, treat it as your friend and take proper care of it.
Of course, I despise tethering of any description. If you don't have a fence, don't get an animal until you get a fence. Always be sure that you can afford to properly care for it. It ain't cheap! Sorry that sometimes we have to get tough; just remember, these little fellas can't tell you of their needs. We can make you follow the law but, we can't make you love your dog.
I don't know where it first came about that the city shelter worker has to remove dead animals within the city limits, but for crying out loud, when they die for whatever reason, would you be ever so kind to call us before the maggots visit and the stench is so great that it colors the air of the entire neighborhood? And poor Terrie has to scoop the cadaver up. That's just plain nasty! Plus, this city does not pay anyone enough to be forced to serve them in that capacity.
As Jazz would say: "We know our friends by their defects rather than by their merits."
Shelter needs: As always, food for cats,kittens, puppies and dogs; cleaning products; and paper goods. And we give our thanks to all that donate their time, money and great words and encouragement.