Tuesday night, the Blytheville City Council agreed to sell a piece of land to the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department for the future four-lane Highway 18 project.
After weeks of bargaining for a better deal, the city settled for the original offer of $10,750 for the 4,585-square-foot piece of property that is just east of the Abilities Unlimited building on Main Street.
"It was reported that others were receiving more money, so we thought we needed to hold off and check it out," said Councilwoman Shirley Overman, who chairs the Streets and Drainage Committee. "Mayor (James) Sanders sent a letter to Tim Robertson -- he is the negotiator for the Highway Department -- about our concern. Robertson responded by telling Mayor Sanders: 'I checked with the review appraiser and forwarded the sales information you provided collected by one of your councilmen (Stan Parks). The review appraiser checked the sales data that has been collected by the Highway Department appraiser and found that these sales were in the information already collected. The review appraiser and the appraiser did not feel these sales were comparable to the city property at this location, which was why it was not used.'"
Also at the recommendation of the Council's Streets and Drainage Committee, the Council decided to keep a 679-square-foot triangular parcel beside the area to beautify it. The state offered to purchase the land at a smaller rate because it wasn't necessary for the project.
Meanwhile, the Council had a lengthy discussion on plans for code enforcement, which is now under the supervision of the Blytheville Police Department.
Blytheville assistant police chief Marvin Crawford, who will oversee code enforcement, addressed the Council on some of the upcoming plans for the department.
"Right now we're in the evaluation process as far as manpower, staffing, equipment," Crawford said. "Quality-of-life issues are basically what code enforcement deals with."
Crawford said code enforcement is reviewing city codes that address substandard property, substandard structures, regulations on social businesses (clubs, rec halls, bars, etc.) and disorderly homes and businesses.
He said the department is considering commissions on quality of rental property, nuisance abatement and business, setting guidelines for establishments of businesses through codes.
Crawford noted the police department is working on crime prevention and reduction in the city's parks, possibly utilizing cameras in public areas that will be monitored by police 24/7. It also plans to work with Crime Stoppers.
Crawford added the department is looking at the enforcement of city code as well.
"The key issues are identifying and trying to pinpoint areas we need to be addressing," Sanders said. "We're talking about quality of life issues. Those quality of life issues also pertain to economic development. All this is seated basically in the same arena."
Also Tuesday night, the Council:
-- Recognized Capt. Robert Tunson for his 28 years of service with the Blytheville Police Department. Tunson retired Feb. 28. The resolution awards Tunson his service weapon. The Council applauded Tunson for his service.
-- Appointed Marty Orr to the Blytheville Planning Commission. Orr will fulfill Doug Graham's unexpired term, which ends Sept. 14, 2014.
-- Reappointed chairman Jim McClain and Peggy Lemons to the Blytheville Planning Commission. Their terms will expire in March 2019
-- Received a General Fund statement from Overman, who chairs the Council's Finance and Purchasing Committee.
-- Heard a Health and Sanitation report from Councilwoman Missy Langston. The city has applied for a "Bin Grant" from Coca Cola to place recycling receptacles at city parks, including the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex. Blytheville should know by April 15 if it receives the grant. Langston said if not, some "industrial partners" may help the city with the effort. Langston suggested the city consider becoming a Keep America Beautiful Affiliate, which will make it eligible for grants. The committee is also updating the city's account with the Arkansas Federal Surplus Program. Langston said a grinder is on its "wish list" to help get the compost facility running again. Langston said most of the committee's discussion at the March meeting centered around recycling. She said though they were a good first step, it is unreasonable for the city to expect citizens to participate in recycling with the current procedures, adding picking up bags at the Blytheville Waterworks is not widely accepted. Using a truck -- marked recycling -- exclusively for recycling was proposed as a way to let residents know their recyclables aren't being taken to the landfill with the trash. Education and convenience are key, Langston said. The city is exploring a suggestion that meter readers deliver the bags along with information on recycling.
-- Heard a Code Enforcement Committee report from Councilman John Musgraves.
-- Heard a Police and Fire Committee report from Councilman Mylas Jeffers.
-- Heard a Parks and Recreation report from Councilman Monte Hodges. He said the Baseball Facilities Board has agreed to move the Ted Wahl monument, currently at the old Ninth Street ball field, to the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex. McHaney Monuments has agreed to move it at no cost.
-- Heard from Councilman Stan Parks that the Personnel Committee will meet at 4 p.m. April 4 and the Animal Shelter Committee will follow that meeting at 5 p.m. in the Municipal Courtroom. Parks said the city's personnel director is two-thirds of the way finished with updated job descriptions, along with working on a new handbook.