March 14, 2011

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department.

Recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department:

A resident of Lauderdale Street reported Sunday that someone had used spray paint to damage a garage door. No estimate of damages was listed.

A North Hollywood Street resident reported that a window of the home and a vehicle bumper were damaged in an act of criminal mischief. Damages were listed at $700.

A resident of South Ninth Street reported being struck twice in the face by someone known to them.

Robert J. Burnett, 21 of 401 E. Davis, was arrested for disorderly conduct after an argument at a residence on Delmar Street escalated into a fist fight.

A South Ruddle Road resident reported being choked and hit by a male companion.

Jada U. Mullins, no age listed, of 1324 S. Seventh St., was arrested for disorderly conduct after refusing to comply with an officers' requests and allegedly biting the officer.

An East Main Street resident reported that someone obtained his son's personal information while playing games online.

A resident of North Second Street reported the theft of a television and computer valued at $800.

On Saturday, a resident of East Ash called police to help him convince an unwanted visitor to leave.

Ike Bryant, 44, of Kennett, was arrested for DWI on Hollywood Street.

Two juveniles were arrested for allegedly shoplifting items at a store on West Moultrie.

Robert J. Burnett, 21, of 401 E. Davis, was arrested for disorderly conduct after he allegedly was throwing bricks through the windows of a residence on Delmar Street.

Larry Williams, 27, of 2137 S. Ninth St., was arrested second-degree criminal mischief after he fought with an Arkansas State Police Trooper and then damaged a wall in the police department.

A resident of South Franklin Street reported being injured in a drive-by shooting. The resident received a gunshot wound to the leg.

Quentez Hayes, 20, of 109 N. Gosnell St. was arrested for theft by receiving after it was found the scooter he had bought was stolen.

A resident of North Sixth Street reported having a front tooth knocked out and $60 cash stolen in a robbery.

A Mayfair Street resident reported a burglary in which a door frame was damaged, resulting in $500 in repairs.

On Friday, Maurice Kentrall Ford, 21, of 309 Stemac, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute after officers noticed smoke coming from the sunroof on a vehicle in the area of Julia and Milan. The officers noticed the smoke smelled like marijuana and stopped the vehicle. Ford was found to have several small bags of marijuana on his person. The total weight of the drugs was .26 ounces.

A Chickasawba resident reported a burglary in which cameras, jewelry, electronics and other items, all valued at $8,575, were taken.

A resident of West Rose Street reported the theft of a tax refund debit card.
