February 23, 2011

The residents of Keiser were a little shook up last week, but not because of an earthquake.

By Sandra Brand | Osceola Times

KEISER -- The residents of Keiser were a little shook up last week, but not because of an earthquake.

It was an Associated Press story which had them all wondering, "how did we miss it?"

AP reported Friday Keiser had experienced an earthquake with a 3.2 magnitude. The quake was supposed to have occurred at 1:13 a.m. Friday about 3 miles northwest of Keiser.

Memphis and Jonesboro television stations reported the news as well as state newspapers, including the Courier News. But no one in Keiser, according to Mayor Jerry LaRue, knew anything about a quake until they were informed by the media.

And it turns out, Keiser residents did not all sleep through a quake of that magnitude. Well, not really.

There was an earthquake Friday near the town of Greenbrier which was powerful enough to be felt 200 miles away. The earthquake shook the ground with enough force to register on an automated seismograph at Keiser, said Scott Ausbrooks, geohazards supervisor for the Arkansas Geological Survey.

Steve Horton, research scientist at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information at the University of Memphis, said the Greenbrier quake was not related to activity in the New Madrid Zone.
