The Plain and Fancy Quilters Club met Feb. 1 at the Blytheville Public Library for their monthly meeting. Roll was called to the question, "After you have made all the bed quilts you need, what do you make next?" Fourteen members and one guest, Rhonda Smith, answered with all kinds of different answers.
The crossword puzzle that was passed out last month was gone over with a few having all the answers and the rest having fun filling in the answers. President Sharon Parrish gave a program on what to do with preprinted panels. A very easy way to use them is to machine quilt them and put a few embellishments to make a wall or door hanging. She also showed how to put sleeves or loops on them to hang them.
France Powell brought the block of the month. For tool time, Ora Snyder brought bias bars that are used in Celtic quilts. Bernice Meade brought the door prize and Josie Richardson won.
Louie Franks brought a basket quilt top and a basket table runner for show and tell. Peggy Snyder brought blocks and asked for advice for putting them together.
The next meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 1, at the Blytheville Library. All interested quilters are invited to attend.