The Blytheville Baseball/Softball Boosters will hold baseball and softball registration on Feb. 19, 22 and 24 at the Greater Blytheville Area Chamber of Commerce building.
To register for a team, bring your child's birth certificate and registration fee on Saturday, Feb. 19 (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.), Tuesday, Feb. 22 (5-8 p.m.) or Thursday, Feb. 24 (5-8 p.m.).
Parents/guardians will need to come prepared to fill out a medical release form at registration. Registration fees are $40 for T-Ball (ages 4-6) and coach-pitch players (age 6); $50 for Rookie (ages 7-8), Minor (ages 9-10), and Major League Baseball (ages 11-12) and all softball (10-and-under, 12 and under, 14-and-under, 16-and-under); and $60 for Junior and Senior Boys League (ages 13-18).
In order to make the teams as evenly talented as possible, each player will participate in a talent evaluation session at a later date. Details will be given to each player at registration.
Every player is assigned to a team, and all skill levels are accepted. All the games are played at the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex.
Players will not be registered unless birth certificates are available to be copied and registration fee is paid.
Questions for 12 and Under Baseball should contact Gale Wilf at 763-4212 or 740-1474. Questions for 13-16 year old Baseball should contact Randy Scott at 762-6223. Questions for Softball should contact Deanna Carr 762-5699 or John Webb at 740-1298.
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