January 21, 2011

For those of you who commented on my column's absence last weekend, thank you. Things are fine. I just had an extremely busy week last week and my awesome editor, Andy, had another column to run, so I took a little break.

For those of you who commented on my column's absence last weekend, thank you. Things are fine. I just had an extremely busy week last week and my awesome editor, Andy, had another column to run, so I took a little break.

This week has been busy too, but in a different way. Not only have I had meetings and other stories to cover about every day, but the snow we got on Thursday made life a bit more busy.

I'm just so thankful that none of the accidents that happened resulted in any injuries.

On Wednesday, I was busy with the cutest, smartest kid in the world, my great-niece Kauri. Her mom is enrolled full time at Arkansas Northeastern College. This semester, she has classes three nights a week, so we all get to spend a bit more time with Kauri.

I went out to the Nibco Child Care Center at ANC to pick her up. As I was putting her in the car seat in my truck, I asked her what she wanted to do. "Let's go to your work," she said.

I did have some work to finish, so we came back here to the Courier. But Kauri decided that she needed to work more than I did, and took over the use of my computer.

I did manage to do a few things while she was "working," but I had to stay close to keep "erasing" what she'd typed so she could start again.

While she doesn't yet know how to type, she was quite good at holding her hands in the right positions and at using the mouse. I guess the fact that her mother is a computer major and that Kauri already has her own computer are combining to teach her computer skills early.

She is growing up so fast. She reminded me that she will be 5 in February and that next year, she will go to "real" school. I'm glad she is growing up. I just wish that didn't mean that I was growing old.

Now, onto a more pleasant subject, my kids! Stevie Ray has been so funny in this cold weather. Since he has short hair, he has not tolerated the low temperatures very well.

Since my mom is such a caring grandmother, she sent with me a sweater for Stevie Ray to wear. The sweater had been one that she and dad had for a previous pet. Scarlet was a miniature pincher, but was not typical. She really resembled a pot-bellied pig more than the other min-pin the folks had.

Anyway, we figured the sweater might fit Stevie Ray. It did fit, except that it was too short. But he won't be wearing it.

Poor thing! He wouldn't move with it on. He acted as if he were tied up for punishment or something. I didn't have the heart to make him try to get used to it.

Thursday afternoon it was snowing heavily when I got home. It seemed as if the snow was falling horizontally instead of from the sky.

It had even blown into a snowdrift underneath our carport. So when I let Stevie Ray outside, he quickly discovered how chilly it was. He trotted off the carport onto the snow for a mere millisecond before returning to the carport to relieve himself.

Kevin and I had fun Thursday night reminding each other of the perils of "yellow snow."

The girls have been really funny during this cold weather. Boo Boo and Teeny have spent most of their time curled up together on the bed, love seat or couch, just staying warm.

Punky, the baby girl, curls up with me, Kevin or even Stevie Ray to stay warm. So I was surprised when she ran outside for just a minute Thursday night. She usually hangs around under my truck in the carport for awhile when she runs out, but she didn't this time. Her fur is not thick enough for this weather.

Come to think of it, neither is mine!

