The Blytheville City Council's Finance Committee continued its series of budget meetings Monday night, examining the proposed Parks and Recreation budget.
The board met for about 2 1/2 hours, discussing the budgets of each parks department, concentrating on the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex, Thunder Bayou Golf Links and the Delta Gateway Museum.
The committee also heard a proposal to hire a second full-time animal control employee, but members were in favor of a part-time position, instead.
At the suggestion of Councilman Monte Hodges, the board is considering moving a $45,000 donation to the Ritz Civic Center from the city parks/pool attachment and making it its own item in the budget.
The board is also checking into a $63,365 Maintenance and Repair expense for equipment in the parks and recreation budget as well as a $22,762 miscellaneous figure, at the suggestion of Hodges and Councilman Stan Parks.
Overall, the proposed 2011 parks and recreation budget totals $1,063,099 in expenses, compared to $908,000 in 2010.
With the Ritz expense, the city parks/pool budget totals $140,977. The proposed Blytheville Youth Sportsplex budget has increased about $360 to $142,462.
Blytheville Baseball Softball Boosters' Randy Scott told the board last year's tournaments pumped about $570,000 into the community.
More tournaments are planned this year with Blytheville diversifying its upper age baseball groups. Blytheville has secured additional tournaments by moving its 13-16 division to Pony League, according to Scott. The lower age groups will continue to be Little League.
BBSB has bid on the Class A State High School baseball tournament as well. It plans to go after American Legion and additional tournaments this summer, along with the Little League tournaments that have become staples at the Sportsplex.
Scott noted there were 750 boys and girls, ages 4-16, that played baseball and softball last year and 135 individuals volunteered in the local youth baseball and softball programs.
Meanwhile, Delta Gateway Museum director Leslie Hester discussed the museum's plans. The proposed operating budget is $66,535.
Other proposed parks and recreation budgets include: Thunderland Soccer Complex ($16,223); First Tee ($14,133); and Missco Junior Football League ($3,543).