January 11, 2011

Buffalo Island Central Homecoming will be held Friday, Jan. 14, at the Mustang Athletic complex in Monette. Homecoming class Representatives are Taylor Owens, Jenna Pike and Jenny Walker, seniors; Jessica Clark, Rebecca Cunningham, Chasity Garrett, juniors; Jodiee Clay, Kaylee Greathouse, Cassidy Qualls, sophomores.

Buffalo Island Central Homecoming Class represenatives.
Buffalo Island Central Homecoming Class represenatives.

Buffalo Island Central Homecoming will be held Friday, Jan. 14, at the Mustang Athletic Complex in Monette.

Homecoming Class Representatives are Taylor Owens, Jenna Pike and Jenny Walker, seniors; Jessica Clark, Rebecca Cunningham, Chasity Garrett, juniors; Jodiee Clay, Kaylee Greathouse, Cassidy Qualls, sophomores.

BIC will host Walnut Ridge for the junior and senior basketball games.

Homecoming court will be presented between games.
