I have seen and read letters many times down through the years about substance abuse and the people doing the abusing, but for the next two or three minutes of your life I would like to talk about the loved ones, the family and friends, the people who deeply and dearly and passionately love that abuser. Have you ever stopped to think about the misery, pain and sadness that you, the abuser, put these loved ones through every day? Can you stop and think for just a moment how lonely and sad and hurt these people would be if you were suddenly dead from that abuse?
You parents out there, have you ever asked yourself how long it would take for your little girl or little boy to get over the pain and hurt if you died from this condition? The answer to that question is really easy -- never. There sure wouldn't be any little gifts or laughter on Mother's Day or Father's Day because you wouldn't be there and even though they would learn to enjoy life again there would always be that void and pain because you weren't there to enjoy it with them. You died years too early all because you needed just one more fix. The kids would miss the parents who loved them, protected them and cared for them. You sons and daughters out there with this condition, have you ever stopped for a moment or two and let yourself think about the pain and hurt and sadness you are causing your parents?
They cried and laughed when you got here because they were so happy to see you. They could hardly sit down and be still because they were so happy. They called people on the phone and said come see our new baby. They bathed, fed, clothed, rocked and loved you and tried to teach you all the things you needed to know.
They treated you like you were the most precious thing on Earth and that's because to them, you were, and still are today. Now because you are on drugs, they have to sit back mostly helpless and watch you slowly day after day destroy yourself. Can you for a moment imagine the pain and hurt they feel? Some of you rebel against your loved ones and get mad at them, not because you don't love them because you do. You do it because you are ashamed and because the drugs have your thinking messed up. You're thinking like a drug addict and a drug addict doesn't think like a drug-free person. It takes time off the drugs to start thinking right again. The nice thing about all this is that the pain and hurt and shame will all begin to stop when you stop. You may do it on your own, then again, you may need some help. But that's OK. We all need some help from time to time. You, me, everyone. I know there are a lot of family members and friends waiting with open arms for you to come back. Good Luck.