November 23, 2010

Manila City Council worked through a short agenda on Nov. 15 accepting bids for water pump generators, passing two ordinances and a resolution, amending the 2009 budget, and approved year-end employee bonuses, along with several other items...

Manila City Council worked through a short agenda on Nov. 15 accepting bids for water pump generators, passing two ordinances and a resolution, amending the 2009 budget, and approved year-end employee bonuses, along with several other items.

Mayor Clifford Veach presented the bids for the water pump generators.

"The bids were opened Oct. 26," Mayor Veach said. "The low bidder did not bid the installation as requested disqualifying the bid. The next low bid was Douglas Electric with a bid of $82,354 for a turn-key job. The company has been cleared to do the job."

The generator project will be funded through a grant at no cost to the city.

Mayor Veach recommended the council accept the Douglas Electric bid.

The Douglas bid was awarded with council members Linda Donovan, Larry "Whiz" Davis, Donnie Wagner, Geraldine Cherry, and Joni Isabell voting yes with Councilman LeRoy Douglas abstaining. Councilman Douglas is the father of the owner of Douglas Electric.

Mayor Veach reported on the progress of the Municipal Maintenance Facility.

"We have made all of the deductions we can get out," Mayor Veach said.

It was noted at last month's meeting the bids for the maintenance building project came in higher than first expected. The council voted at the October meeting to continue with the project.

Veach announced Manila Industries has agreed to donate $50,000 to assist with the maintenance facility construction.

"They feel it is a worthy project," Mayor Veach said. "We appreciate them. It will be up to the council now if any money is taken from the General Fund for the project. Once it is all approved we will be ready to have our pre-construction meeting. Again, I want to express my appreciation to Manila Industries."

City Attorney Wayne Wagner read Ordinance 2010-5 waiving the bid process for the purchase of a new fire truck. The ordinance was approved unanimously.

Wagner then read a Resolution supporting the display of the nation's motto, "In God We Trust." The idea for the Resolution was introduced by Councilman Larry "Whiz" Davis at the September meeting with all council members in favor.

Mayor Veach presented the proposed 2011 operating budget.

"By law, we have to present a proposed budget for the coming year," Mayor Veach said.

The council approved an ordinance amending the 2009 audit.

"We have had the audit and a discussion with the chief auditor, we realized the ice storm expenditures were not expressed anywhere. I had it in the general account," Mayor Veach explained. "It is just a matter of the paper work."

The council voted unanimously to amend the budget to reflect the ice storm expenditures.

Mayor Veach recommended the year end employee bonuses, the same as last year. The council approved the bonuses unanimously. Department heads will receive $1,000; all full time employees $800; and part-time employees $300. The bonuses will be given on Dec. 15.

In other business:

*Mayor Veach gave the budget comparison saying all major accounts have an increase in revenue for the month. He said all in all it is not a bad report. The over and under budgets will be adjusted later.

*A letter from Manila developer Sonny Ashley was read thanking Mayor Veach and the council for working with them on the developments of Teal Point and Olympia Extended projects. He talked of future developments and asked the council if there are any changes in services provided or services available to help developers he would like to be notified.

*It was announced the Christmas parade will be held starting at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 4. Councilman Linda Donovan said the Cooter Band will be returning to march in the parade.

*Council Donovan said the new Manila signs featuring Jerry Jaye and Kenny Seratt look nice. The second annual Homecoming Show featuring the two former Manila residents will be Saturday, Nov. 20.

*The next regular Manila City Council meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 20
