Mississippi County Farm Bureau hosted its annual meeting Monday evening, Aug. 30, at the Arkansas Northeastern College in Burdette. The group was welcomed by Benton Felts, Mississippi County Farm Bureau president.
Felts gave a special welcome to Roxye Crutchfield, 105 years old.
"Mrs. Crutchfield comes every year," Felts said. "She has not missed many meetings through the years."
Nathan Sanders led the National Anthem and Heath Adkisson the Pledge of Allegiance.
Rev. Jeff Lammers offered the invocation. The fish and barbecue meal was catered by Bigg Butts of Leachville.
Entertainment was provided by Buddy GoDair on the keyboard.
Following the reports, Dave Freeze, Mississippi County Extension Service chair, presented a plaque and introduction of the Louis Lammers family who was chosen as the Mississippi County and District Farm Family 2010.
"On behalf of the family, and Louis and Carol Lammers, we want to thank the sponsors and everyone for their friendship through the years," Jeff Lammers said.
Felts introduced the guest speaker, Steve "Wildman" Wilson, public affairs coordinator for Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and host of the Talkin' Outdoors at the Corner Cafe.
Wilson talked about his love of the Natural State and what it has to offer. He shared personal stories of hunting and encouraged everyone to visit the Ponca Elk Center where 500 elk live. He said 112 elk were brought to Arkansas from Colorado and there is now 500.
He also demonstrated several deer calls.
Felts gave the President's Address recognizing local and state officers, board members and guests for being part of Farm Bureau.
"We strive to be the voice of agriculture at all levels," he said.
Sherry Felts, chairman of the Women's Committee, gave a report on the committee's efforts to go into the classroom and educate area students about agriculture, the Food Check Out project with food donated to a local food pantry, and the safety awareness poster contest.
She thanked Mark Bryles and the Farm Bureau secretaries for all of their assistance throughout the year and welcomed anyone who wants to help in the Women's Committee.
Heath Adkisson presented the proposed resolutions from the committees including cotton, soybeans, rice, wheat and feed grains, research and extension, national affairs, state affairs, and local affairs. The proposed resolutions all passed.
Mike Sullivan presented the nomination report. Officers are Benton Felts, president; Heath Adkisson, first vice president; John Tipton, second vice president; Brandon Veach, secretary; Bill Jackson, treasurer; Mike Sullivan, assistant treasurer; Nathan Sanders, financial officer; Randy Veach, president, Arkansas Farm Bureau; and Justin Wildy, past president. Board members were also recognized.