September 7, 2010

Saturday afternoon at 508 Chickasawba in Blytheville, Sgt. Vanessa Stewart cut the ceremonial ribbon for the Rebuilding Dreams Center, located in Anthony's Martial Arts Academy. Rebuilding Dreams, conceived and run by Stewart, is an outreach of the Haven of Northeast Arkansas, and has as its main goal the rehabilitation of the self-esteem of women facing abusive relationships...

Shannon Spears Harris

Saturday afternoon at 508 Chickasawba in Blytheville, Sgt. Vanessa Stewart cut the ceremonial ribbon for the Rebuilding Dreams Center, located in Anthony's Martial Arts Academy. Rebuilding Dreams, conceived and run by Stewart, is an outreach of the Haven of Northeast Arkansas, and has as its main goal the rehabilitation of the self-esteem of women facing abusive relationships.

Police Chief Ross Thompson, who was in attendance, said, "I'm very happy to be involved in this program. We try to provide our officers with tools that they can use to build our community."

The program will operate on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m. The evenings will begin with talks from motivational speakers aimed at building self-esteem and helping women to recognize the signs of all form of domestic abuse. Exercise classes will also be offered, including self-defense, to be taught by Anthony Smith of Anthony's Martial Arts Academy. Women in attendance will also have personal counseling and career assistance available to them.

According to Stewart, the program is open to any women who are struggling with their self-esteem, whether or not they have been the victims of domestic violence.

"We want to help people recognize that any domestic relationship can be abusive and lend itself to low self-esteem, and that is not just physical abuse," says Lisa John, board president for the Haven of Northeast Arkansas.

The Haven of Northeast Arkansas provided a safe place for approximately 450 domestic abuse victims in the last year. The Rebuilding Dreams program is intended, according to Sgt. Stewart, to be a place to, "rebuild self-esteem after being involved in a violent relationship."

More information about the program, which is funded by the Allstate Foundation, can be obtained by calling Rebuilding Dreams at 870-278-7151, or the Haven at 870-532-6669.
