Blytheville police are investigating an incident of vandalism that caused more than $50,000 in damage to the former YMCA building on the Arkansas Aeroplex.
According to an incident report filed with the BPD, officers were called to the building at 2603 Lansing for criminal mischief.
Don Davidson, director of development and maintenance at the Aeroplex said the facility was secure on the Friday before, so the damage probably occurred over the weekend.
A large piece of wood covering the doors to the facility was removed and the glass doors were shattered. Inside the facility, more than 25 windows, a glass backboard, doors, a scoreboard and other items were damaged or destroyed.
The perpetrators also used black spray paint to paint graffiti, including curse words, on the walls, on top of a counter and in other locations. Fire extinguishers were activated and sprayed throughout the facility.
Items such as trophies and trophy cases were damaged, along with a pingpong table, television and other items. There were several holes in the walls as well. No cost estimates were available for some of the damaged items.
A polyurethane mix was poured onto the gymnasium floor, causing the greatest monetary damage, according to the police report.
Detective Lt. Scott Adams of the BPD said that photographs were taken of all the damage and other means are being used to help determine who is responsible for the destruction.
Davidson said the incident was "one of those things that we just don't understand why this has happened."
The facility has been closed for nearly two years after being vacated by the YMCA. However, Davidson said, the fixtures and interior of the facility were still in good shape and it could have been re-opened with little effort prior to the vandalism.
Once investigation is completed, Davidson and his maintenance staff will assess the damages and determine whether repairs can be made.
"We're not sure what it's going to cost. We'll try to do as much of the work as we can," he said.
The incident report estimates the cost of the damages is $52,850.
Anyone with any information regarding the break-in and damage at the former YMCA is asked to call the Blytheville Police Department at 763-4411.