Preregistration for the Blytheville Public Library's Summer Reading Program will be held June 1-6 at the Library.
Ann Galbraith, coordinator of the Library's summer reading program, said the following classes will require preregistration: Science Sleuths for children ages 9-11 (meets Mondays at 11 a.m.); Arts and Crafts for ages 4-7 (meets Wednesdays at 10 a.m.); Arts and Crafts for ages 8-11 (meets Wednesdays at 11 a.m.); and Beaded Crafts for ages 8 and up (meets Thursdays at 11 a.m.)
"We have never done this before but we are limiting those classes to 25 children per class," Galbraith said. "At the time of preregistration, children will be given a name tag, and they will have to have that name tag to get in the class. If they are late for class or don't have their name tag, their spot will be given to someone else to fill the class. So it is important that if they sign up for one of these classes that they be on time and have their name tag. At registration they will be given a free T-shirt."
Galbraith explained that registration is being required for the weekly arts and crafts classes so the instructors of those classes can bring the needed amount of supplies. Some of last year's arts and crafts hours were attended by as many as 80 children. In some instances, there wasn't enough supplies for all the children and the large crowds made it difficult for the instructors to work one-on-one with children during the craft hour.
Galbraith said all the library's other summer reading program classes do not require registration. Children will not have to register for classes like taekwondo, sign language, the special programs on Tuesdays and Fridays, or the Mini-Me story hour for 1-5-year-olds.
Only science sleuths, both weekly arts and crafts and beaded crafts require registration.
The Library's Summer Reading Program begins June 7 and will end July 16. At the end of the program, children have the chance to win either a new bicycle or Wii game system.