May 14, 2010

In a brief meeting Thursday morning, members of the Mississippi County Quorum Court's Personnel Committee approved the addition of 25 more poll workers for next week's primary election. In action last month, the court approved a measure creating 75 positions for poll works. County finance manager Brenda Burke told the committee that about 19 more positions were needed to make sure there are enough to serve during early voting, Election Day, a runoff election (if necessary) and to tabulate votes...

In a brief meeting Thursday morning, members of the Mississippi County Quorum Court's Personnel Committee approved the addition of 25 more poll workers for next week's primary election.

In action last month, the court approved a measure creating 75 positions for poll works. County finance manager Brenda Burke told the committee that about 19 more positions were needed to make sure there are enough to serve during early voting, Election Day, a runoff election (if necessary) and to tabulate votes.

In order to make sure there are enough workers, committee members felt a few extra positions could be created. The matter will be decided by the full court later this month.

The workers will not be paid until they actually work, Burke said.

The committee also agreed to create a private investigator's position in the prosecuting attorney's office. The position is part-time and will be funded at $750 per month.

In other business, Burke spoke to committee members about the county's need for its own IT person.

"Our technology has grown," Burke said. "We're growing by leaps and bounds."

Burke said she has tried to help others in the courthouse with computer problems, which has proven to be very time-consuming.

"I was on the phone a total of 25 hours last week working on a problem," she said.

The county has several maintenance agreements with various companies on hardware and software, costing the county a great deal of money.

Once those figures are better determined, the committee can move forward with creating an IT slot and begin the process of setting the salary.

JP Bill Nelson suggested the matter be considered this fall when next year's budget is being determined.

"There's no rush on it," Burke said. "It's just something we need to have in the backs of our minds."
