In recognition of travel and tourism's economic, social and cultural impact in Blytheville, the Arkansas Welcome Center in Blytheville will observe "See America Week/See Arkansas Week" on Wednesday.
This year marks the 27th annual celebration of "See America Week." On Wednesday, the Welcome Center in Blytheville will not only be celebrating National Tourism Week but will be celebrating its first anniversary in its new center, with refreshments being served from 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Official dedication ceremonies for the new center were held on Aug. 7, 2009. Arkansas Highway and Transportation sponsored the ceremonies and AHTD Director Dan Flowers was the main speaker. Ribbon-cutting ceremonies were performed by Highway Commission Chairman Carl Rosenbaum and Highway Commissioner John Ed Regenold. Local and state officials were invited to the dedication ceremonies with refreshments being served in the main lobby of the center.
The Blytheville Welcome Center has actually been serving travelers since April 1975, when the original center was opened. In 2009, total travelers served in the first year of the new Arkansas Welcome Center in Blytheville were more than 91,000, and the Blytheville center is now the second busiest center in the state.
Travel generated state tax from the visitors in Mississippi County was over $5.4 million and over $1.7 million for the county. These dollars spent by the center's visitors have strengthened Arkansas' economy by creating jobs, supporting local business from gas stations to retail stores and creating revenues to support the community.
With economic woes forcing many Americans to watch their budgets this year, the Arkansas Parks and Tourism is encouraging Arkansans to spent their summer vacations in their home state. With the slogan, "See Arkansas First,"the department is promoting the state's scenic beauty and its abundance of lakes, rivers, mountains, timberlands and state parks.
For those wanting help in planning their vacation in Arkansas, travel consultants at the Arkansas Welcome Center are happy to assist them and encourage natives to "get acquainted" with their state.
Trained agents are at the center from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. seven days a week, beginning Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend and are available 8 a.m.-5 p.m. the rest of the year.
The center is located a mile north of the Highway 18 Interchange on Interstate 55 and 5 miles south of the Missouri state line.