The Manila School Board worked through a full agenda including hiring personnel, policy changes, officially naming the elementary building, classified personnel contracts and early graduation request. All board members, Tony Crowell, president; Tracey Reinhart, vice president; Danny Robbins, secretary; Steve Methany, Brandon Veach, Johnny McCain, and Jackie Hill, were present for the April meeting held on Thursday evening.
Following an executive session, the board voted unanimously to hire Dale Case to fill the Middle School Principal position and Misty Humway as elementary music teacher.
The board accepted the resignation of special education teacher Carol Deaton who will be retiring at the end of the school year.
The board also approved the classified personnel contracts for the 2010-2011 school year and approved a salary proposal for bus drivers.
Superintendent Pam Castor asked the board about the wording they wanted on the new elementary building. The board had made the decision to name the new building in memory of Justin Veach, school board member who passed away two years ago.
The Board voted to call the school the Justin Veach Elementary School.
Castor informed the board the building project was on schedule.
"The contractors have been working a lot of hours," she said.
Castor presented the board with several policy changes. She explained most of the changes reflect changes in the state law.
The first proposed policy change was to the district's graduation requirements starting with the Smart Core Curriculum. The new policy will include the high stakes testing, meaning all students will have to pass the Algebra 1 in order to graduate.
The board discussed a policy change for homecoming requirements for 2010-2011 year. In the present policy, students can not be in homecoming if they have been in ISS. The new policy says if it is a first offense and the student has had not more than two days and is out of ISS by 3:15 the day of homecoming they can participate.
"I appreciate Mrs. Chipman (high school principal) and parents working on this," Board member McCain said. "This gives our kids a little lead way. Even good kids make mistakes."
Mrs. Chipman said the policy was in effect when she became principal and had been in place for years.
Other policies included the changing of the date which students have to be 5 to begin school from Sept. 1 to Aug. 15. Next year the day will be changed to Aug. 1 to ensure all kindergarten students are 5 before beginning school.
Mrs. Castor also presented the new rules on the disposal of property belonging to the school valued at $1,000 or more. Any property over $1,000 is a fixed asset and has to be listed. She said the district cannot give anything away. The school must get the fair market value. Other policies included Commodity policies, disposal of non-negotiated checks and unclaimed property policy.
The board accepted all of the policies except the weapons and dangerous instruments policy. The board wanted to review the policy to make sure it is worded how they want it.
"I wouldn't want to treat a bb gun or pepper spray the same as a fire arm," Board member McCain said.
In other business:
*Board members approved the early graduation request of Kayla Jones providing all requirements are met.
*Board members approved the 2009 Audit report with no findings. Board members expressed their appreciation for the team effort on such a great audit.
*The Board approved the minutes from the regular March meeting and special meeting held March 31.
*Board members reviewed and approved the financial report.