February 26, 2010

Following an executive session at the regular Feb. 18 school board meeting, President Tony Crowell read two letters of resignation from principals. Manila High School Principal Pam Chipman and Middle School Principal Diane Wagner submitted letters to the board announcing plans for retirement at the end of their contract, June 30, 2010...

Following an executive session at the regular Feb. 18 school board meeting, President Tony Crowell read two letters of resignation from principals.

Manila High School Principal Pam Chipman and Middle School Principal Diane Wagner submitted letters to the board announcing plans for retirement at the end of their contract, June 30, 2010.

Manila School Board member Jackie Hill and President Tony Crowell wished principals Pam Chipman and Diane Wagner well in their retirement plans. (Town Crier photo/Revis Blaylock)
Manila School Board member Jackie Hill and President Tony Crowell wished principals Pam Chipman and Diane Wagner well in their retirement plans. (Town Crier photo/Revis Blaylock)

The board will be looking to replace 66 years of experience as Chipman has been with Manila for 31 years and Wagner for 35 years.

Both principals praised Manila School District and thanked the board for giving them the opportunity to serve. They offered their well wishes for the future successes of the school.

The board voted to accept their resignations, expressing their appreciation and gratitude to Chipman and Wagner for their years of service.

"We will miss both of you," Board member Jackie Hill said.

Superintendent Pam Castor recommended the approval of principal contracts for Diane Baugher and Robin Baugher. The board voted unanimously to renew their contracts. Castor then recommended the renewal of Connie Adams, director Curriculum and Programs, contract which also passed unanimously.

Board members present were Tony Crowell, president; Tracey Reinhart, vice president; Danny Robbins, secretary; Steve Matheny, Johnny McCain, and Jackie Hill. Not present was board member Brandon Veach.

The board approved the minutes and reviewed the financial statements comparing the cost of fuel from last year to this year. Castor informed the board diesel was averaging $2.59 and gasoline $2.48 a gallon.

Castor presented the board with a cost estimate of $150,000 to install a Geothermal system in the cafeteria expansion project with $74,000 for the generator. Castor proposed have the wiring for the generator done and holding off purchasing the generator.

"Everything now is cost estimates," she said. "We will have actual costs later."

She said Trumann has the Geothermal system and it has cut the cost of their utilities.

"We are talking about a school we will be using for decades," Crowell said.

McCain made the motion to wire the cafeteria for geothermal. The board approved the motion unanimously.

Castor updated the board o the elementary building project reporting concrete had been poured.

The board accepted the low bid from Central States Bus Company at $80,320. Three bids were reviewed.

Castor presented calendar revisions to make up the days missed due to snow and ice. She gave the personnel policy committee recommendations. She said she had received an e-mail from the Department of Education with an opinion that before the district cold hold classes on Saturday, it would have to use spring break days. The e-mail also stated there would not be a waiver for under 10 days missed.

"We have missed seven," Castor said.

She recommended to make up the days on Presidents Day (which they have already done) parent/teacher conference days, Good Friday and the remained on the first week in June after Memorial Day.

"If we miss any additional days we will have to take them from spring break," she said.

The board approved the calendar revisions making up the days missed.

McCain asked if it could be helpful to establish a snow route for the district.

"It would be difficult for us to define a snow route because the district is so long," Castor said.

Castor presented three calendar proposals for the 2010-2011 year for the board's review. She said she will present the calendar proposals to the PPC and will report their votes at the next meeting giving the board the option to accept, reject or modify the recommendation.

The board voted to add a Smart Core packet to the elementary handbook.

Castor presented board members with certificates of appreciation as part of the Board Recognition Week.

"We just completed our standards review and our exit interview for our audit," Castor said. "I anticipate we will have another year of no findings on the audit. The committee from the standards review was very positive of things going on in our school. They were very complimentary. We are waiting on the paper work."
