The Malco Trio Cinema officially became Blytheville Cinema 3 last Friday, and more than just the name is going to change.
"The new owner is William Pollack, and we are now with Pollack Cinemas," said Bobby Wilson, director of operations for Blytheville Cinema 3. "We have theaters in Paragould, Dexter, Mo., and we have two in Nebraska. Those that were at the theater Friday probably didn't notice any immediate changes, but we will be doing some promotions as well as a remodel."
Wilson said movie-goers can expect to see a more "flashy" environment in the future at the Blytheville Cinema 3 with the addition of neon, music in the lobby and the remodel of both the lobby and concession areas.
"They can expect to see a little paint, expansion of concession items and lower concession prices," Wilson said. "Everything is going to be cleaned and refurbished. We are big on promotions as well, and one of the first we are doing is Mondays and Tuesdays are popcorn days. You bring in your own bowl on Mondays and Tuesdays, and we will fill it with popcorn for free. Tuesdays are also bargain nights, where you can get into select movies for the child price."
Wilson said citizens can keep up with everything going on at the theater via its new Web site,, which is up and running now. The remodel is set to begin next month without interrupting service.
"We will take one auditorium at a time, and we will be working during the day," Wilson said. "We hope in about a month that we can begin taking credit cards again, as well as doing advance ticket sales and online ticketing."
Wilson went on to say that Pollack Cinemas focuses on getting involved in the community.
"We believe in Blytheville and we believe Blytheville deserves a good theater," Wilson said. "We are a smaller community and our market is smaller towns. So we like to get involved in the community. We want to work with the churches, civic organizations and schools. We have different programs available for that and people can check the Web site to see what is coming."
Citizens can also check the Web site to apply for a job at the Blytheville Cinema 3. Wilson said the theater is now accepting applications for all positions.
As for rumors of additions to the theater or possibly the construction of a new theater, Wilson says not just yet.
"We do not plan to expand at this time. We want to build the business up and get involved in the community first," Wilson said. "Of course it all depends on customer support and the kind of business we do, so we are not going to rule out an expansion in the future. We need the community's support. Customer service is very important to us. We want you to walk in and be greeted with a smile. We will have clean, neat employees who are going to be attentive to customers."
Wilson went on to explain that Blytheville Cinema 3 wants to replicate the quality of customer service provided by the Paragould Cinema 8. The theater will have security on the weekends to help make sure it remains a good family environment for everyone.
"We do cross promotions with local businesses," Wilson said. "Anyone interested in promotions or sponsorships can contact us as"