February 2, 2010

The weight of melting snow and ice apparently caused Christian World and ATA Karate studio's awnings to come crashing down at 3:20 p.m. Monday. David Lyttle, director of the Arts Council of Mississippi County, and Ken Jackson, assistant director of the Arts Council, said they heard a loud rumble outside the Ritz Civic Center on Main Street and went outside to see the awnings had fallen. ...

The weight of melting snow and ice apparently caused Christian World and ATA Karate studio's awnings to come crashing down at 3:20 p.m. Monday. David Lyttle, director of the Arts Council of Mississippi County, and Ken Jackson, assistant director of the Arts Council, said they heard a loud rumble outside the Ritz Civic Center on Main Street and went outside to see the awnings had fallen. Christian World staff members said they were thankful no one was under the awnings when they fell and that Public Works had been contacted to barricade the site to make sure no one is injured by the debris.
