January 13, 2010

Charolette Wagner of Manila has announced she is seeking re-election for her third term as state representative for District 77 in Mississippi County. Currently, Wagner serves on the following House committees: Insurance and Commerce, Education, K-12 and Vocational-Technical Institutions Subcommittee, and Joint Adequacy Evaluation Oversight Subcommittee...

Charolette Wagner of Manila has announced she is seeking re-election for her third term as state representative for District 77 in Mississippi County.

Currently, Wagner serves on the following House committees: Insurance and Commerce, Education, K-12 and Vocational-Technical Institutions Subcommittee, and Joint Adequacy Evaluation Oversight Subcommittee.

She is also an interim member of the Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee and an alternate on Joint Energy.

In addition, Wagner is Chair of the Insurance and Commerce House Financial Institutions Subcommittee.

"I have enjoyed serving the people of Mississippi County for two terms and am pleased to be part of a legislature that has been instrumental in passing a great deal of positive legislation," Wagner said. "I thank the citizens of District 77 for allowing me the privilege of serving them. I would like to use my experience and seniority to continue to address their concerns and issues in the Arkansas State Legislature. I ask for and will appreciate their support in the 2010 election."
