Julie Thompson, sixth grade student at Buffalo Island Central East, won third place in the State Stamp Out Smoking Essay Competition.
The contest was open to students in grades 2-9 with judging falling into three categories: grades 2-3; 4-6; and 7-9.
The essay had to be written by the student and focused on their healthy hero's lifestyle choices and attitudes about being tobacco-free. More than 1,600 essays were received for the contest from students across the state of Arkansas.
An independent panel of judges from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, scored the entries and selected the winners.
The contest closed Oct. 30, and the winners were announced Dec. 7.
Julie will receive a 4 GB iPod shuffle. First place went to a student in Mena, and the second place winner was from Viola.
Julie is in Rosemary Clester's homeroom and Beverly Hall's English class.
Ms. Clester honored Julie on Friday morning with a celebration reception with her fellow classmates. She received congratulations from her teachers and peers.
Julie is the daughter of Rusty and Beth Thompson.
Julie chose Whitney Owens as her hero and the topic for her state winning essay.
Julie said Whitney is active in the 4-H and promotes a healthy, drug free lifestyle.
Included in her essay is the reasons Whitney is her hero and what an example she is to younger students.
"Whitney has been promoting these things for over five years due to 4-H," Julie said. "Whitney is now sixteen years of age. By watching all of the things Whitney does, I too can live a healthier lifestyle. I agree with Whitney that all of these things are very important in life."
She concluded her essay by saying Whitney Owens is her hero because she is drug free, healthy, and fit. When Whitney promotes, participates, and volunteers in being drug free, healthy and fit, she sets examples for younger children. I think Whitney ahs a wonderful purpose in life."
"We are very proud of Julie for participating and winning the state competition," Principal Nicole Stewart said.