December 29, 2009

The Blytheville Police Department honored its officers and employees during a dinner banquet Dec. 18 at the Arkansas Northeast College Governors Ballroom. Awards presented by Chief Ross Thompson are as follows: -- Officer Terry Byrd, Officer Cody Gentry, Sgt. Kyle Lively and the Criminal Investigation Division (CID), as a group, were all presented with Certificates of Commendation. Officer Kelvin Wilson and Sgt. Kyle Lively received the Meritorious Service award...

The Blytheville Police Department honored its officers and employees during a dinner banquet Dec. 18 at the Arkansas Northeast College Governors Ballroom.

Awards presented by Chief Ross Thompson are as follows:

-- Officer Terry Byrd, Officer Cody Gentry, Sgt. Kyle Lively and the Criminal Investigation Division (CID), as a group, were all presented with Certificates of Commendation. Officer Kelvin Wilson and Sgt. Kyle Lively received the Meritorious Service award.

The Certificates of Commendations are awarded to those officers who have on specific occasion during the year performed their duties in a manner which surpasses that which is normally expected -- Byrd for his assistance of a stranded family with a sick child; Gentry for the arrest of multiple wanted persons, guns and drugs from one location; and Lively for his efforts in developing vital information in a homicide case.

The Meritorious Service Award is given to officers for demonstrating a high level of courage while making an arrest or their life saving or sustaining efforts. In June of 2009, Wilson successfully preformed CPR on a non-responsive week-old infant. Lively pursued and apprehended an armed suspect. The Meritorious Service Award is a red ribbon worn on the officers' dress uniform.

-- Officer of the Year was presented to Officer Vanessa Johnson after being nominated, and voted on, by the employees themselves. Johnson has been with the department as an officer for more than two years and is an asset to the department and community she serves, according to Thompson. He said Johnson's commitment to reducing domestic-related crime, as well as her positive attitude and overall work ethic, has earned her this recognition.

-- Employee of the Year was presented to Steve Lewis, who has been with the department for more than 14 years. Lewis has recently taken over department computer and technology duties. His service to the department and community along with his solid work ethic has earned him this award.

-- Supervisor of the Year was presented to Lt. Rick Jefferson, who has been with the department for more than 21 years and was chosen as supervisor of the year by the officers and employees of the department. Jefferson is a member of the Department Honor Guard, as well as bike patrol and neighborhood watch coordinator. Thompson said Jefferson has garnered the respect of his fellow officers and department administrators to earn him this recognition.

Thompson said the event was made possible by employee contributions, donations from several Blytheville businesses and citizens who help support local law enforcement efforts.
