Blytheville's Lights of the Delta set a single-night attendance record Tuesday, when 664 cars toured the holiday lighting display on the Arkansas Aeroplex.
In addition to the cars, Lights of the Delta Director George Hubbard, said eight hayrides and six or seven church buses also toured the display. In total, Lights of the Delta officials estimate between 3,500 and 4,000 people saw the lighting display Tuesday night.
One visitor to the display reported waiting in line nearly 40 minutes, in a line that stretched along Perimeter Road, almost to Airbase Highway.
Hubbard said the Lights of the Delta will remain open nightly through Tuesday (though Santa Claus will no longer be appearing, as he will be making, and then recovering from, his worldwide journey). Hours are 5:30-9 tonight, 5:30-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and 5:30-9 p.m. Sunday-Tuesday.
Admission is $10 per vehicle. Tuesday will be half-price night, the last half-price night of the season.