December 23, 2009

Resolution to separate facilities falls in 10-2 vote

Members of the Mississippi County Quorum Court considered Tuesday night, then denied a resolution to separate the two hospitals in the county's hospital system.

The resolution, which was sent to the full Court without a recommendation by the Court's Planning and Development Committee, called for allowing the city of Osceola to lease the South Mississippi County Regional Medical Center at Osceola from the county.

Justice Ken Kennemore of Osceola spoke in favor of the resolution, citing the preference of physicians in Osceola to work with the city rather than QHR, a hospital management company hired by the county.

Justice Bill Nelson countered Kennemore's comments saying the resolution under consideration had nothing to do with the management of the facilities, only the decision of whether or not to separate the county system.

Justice Tommy Dildine asked County Judge Steve McGuire about the "chain of command" of the hospital system. McGuire and county attorney Dan Ritchey explained that under state law, the hospitals' Board of Governor's makes the operational decisions, while the Quorum Court controls the monetary appropriations.

"So the Board of Governors should approve any changes before they are made" in the operation of the two facilities? Dildine asked.

"Yes," McGuire answered.

Justices Kennemore and Donnie McDaniel of Wilson were the only affirmative votes in favor of passing the resolution. The remaining 10 justices present voted against the resolution.

In other business, the court approved an ordinance appropriating $3.1 million of the county's economic development funds to help acquire a new industry in Osceola. Called "Project HANS," the industry has said to be bringing 300 new jobs to the area if the company decides to locate in the county.

Justice John Alan Nelson, chairman of the Court's Finance Committee, explained that the state economic development program has pledged to commit another $3 million or so, and the industry itself will contribute three times as much to establish the facility here, Nelson said.

In the same ordinance, justices appropriated $26,500 to replace two patrol cars that were damaged beyond repair earlier this year. Nelson told justices that Sheriff James Sanders has already located replacement vehicles at a lower cost than that sent to the county by the insurance company.

In a second appropriation ordinance, justices approved the setting of the current year's tax rates to be collected in 2010. The only increase in rates was that of the hospital. In the past few years, the rate of tax for the hospital was .04-mill. The rate for this year was increased by .06 mill to a full mill. The rate is expected to bring in an additional $180,000 per year.

In a second resolution, the court approved the appointment of Dr. Van Parker, a Blytheville dentist, to serve on the Board of Governors of the Mississippi County Hospital system.

Parker will serve the remainder of the term of John Ed Regenold, who recently resigned the post.

The resolution also reappointed Sylvia Prewitt to the hospital board.

In a third resolution, justices approved the lease/purchase of two new road graders for the county. Justice Michael Gammill, chairman of the Roads and Bridges Committee, told his fellow justices that the county's current lease on two Volvo graders has ended and that the county has been offered a good deal financially on two Caterpillar graders.
