November 20, 2009

Project ARK (At Risk Kids) is a program utilized by the Arkansas Sheriff's Association to teach children about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs. "P.C. the Patrol Car" and the Project ARK lecturers travel throughout Arkansas presenting programs to kindergarten through third-grade students. ...

Project ARK (At Risk Kids) is a program utilized by the Arkansas Sheriff's Association to teach children about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs. "P.C. the Patrol Car" and the Project ARK lecturers travel throughout Arkansas presenting programs to kindergarten through third-grade students. P.C. speaks to more than 100,000 children every year. By using "P.C. the Patrol Car" to reach out to the children, speakers are able to entertain and keep kids' attention, while teaching them the importance of just saying no. "P.C. the Patrol Car" was at the Blytheville Primary School Tuesday afternoon with members of the Mississippi County Sheriff's Department presenting their program to the students.
