Riverside Junior High Principal Matt Scarborough invited Caraway mayor and city council to the ground breaking ceremony for the new junior/senior high school to be held Friday, Oct. 16, when he addressed the city council at the regular meeting held Thursday, Oct. 8.
Mr. Scarborough also informed the council of improvements the school is implementing to improve math performance among the students.
Attending the meeting were Mayor Barry Riley, councilmen, John Boatman, Bo James, Marvin Browning, Mark Bell and Roger Williams, and recorder Rick Stevens.
Alderman Williams made motion to sell the city's Bad-Boy lawn mower to Terry Couch for $6,000. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Riley announced a cemetery cleanup day will be held Saturday, Oct. 24, and the Caraway Harvest Fest will be held Saturday, Oct. 31.
The mayor also informed the council Gary Jeffers is now a certified animal control officer after attaining certification at a school he attended in Fayetteville last month.
The council unanimously passed a motion made by Alderman Browning to pass Resolution 2009-2, which calls for a rate of 1.8 mills on personal property in the City of Caraway for the year 2010.
Browning also made a motion for the city to open an account at Heritage Bank for the Fire Department Improvement C.D. funds. Motion passed 4-0 with Bo James abstaining.
In other business:
Mayor Riley said a new study will be done in the Basler Electric building by ADEQ regarding chemicals.
Riley also said the main street gazebo and surrounding park area are nearing completion.
Alderman Browning said some street lights are out and he would like the council's approval to see they are repaired. Council gave their support for this work.
Police Chief Hicks reported Shannon Kelems and Glen Austin will be starting work in the coming week.