October 21, 2009

GOSNELL -- Members of the Gosnell School Board toured a new literacy lab in the elementary school and saw how students are being encouraged to read. The lab features a document camera and computerized Smart Board so that books, papers and even faces can be displayed on a screen on the wall. Students are encouraged to read 25 books per school year. Statistics show that students who read at least 25 books a year rank in the 90th percentile of advanced and proficient readers...

GOSNELL -- Members of the Gosnell School Board toured a new literacy lab in the elementary school and saw how students are being encouraged to read.

The lab features a document camera and computerized Smart Board so that books, papers and even faces can be displayed on a screen on the wall. Students are encouraged to read 25 books per school year. Statistics show that students who read at least 25 books a year rank in the 90th percentile of advanced and proficient readers.

Instead of doing "book reports," students are allowed to choose from many different projects to prove they read the book. Students can create a PowerPoint presentation, write a letter to the author or even write a newspaper article about the book.

The program has been very popular among the students, the teachers said.

In other business, the board members were told about required academic improvement plans. Students who do not score proficient or above on standardized tests must have AIPs. The plans are created by school personnel along with the students' parent or guardian. The AIP requires commitment from both student and parent and is in place for a whole semester. If the student completes an AIP in one subject area, work is begun on another area to prepare for future testing. At Gosnell High School, there 165 students with 409 AIPs. Some students are required to have AIPs in more than one subject.

The board also approved the yearly academic standards and expected outcomes, new curriculum alignment and equity reports as required by state law.

There will be a Family Fun Night for parents and friends of students in K-2 at Gosnell Elementary from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 2, in the elementary cafeteria. Visitors can win books and prizes and several other items will be available for the children. Refreshments will be served.

Because of upcoming holidays, the board will meet at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 23 and at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 14 at the superintedent's office.

