October 3, 2009

Entries are still being accepted for the United Way of Greater Blytheville Championship Chili Cookoff. The festivities begin on Friday, Oct. 16, with the first (hopefully annual) Mr. and Miss Chili Pepper contest. The pageant beings at 6:30 p.m. at the Blytheville High School auditorium...

Entries are still being accepted for the United Way of Greater Blytheville Championship Chili Cookoff.

The festivities begin on Friday, Oct. 16, with the first (hopefully annual) Mr. and Miss Chili Pepper contest.

The pageant beings at 6:30 p.m. at the Blytheville High School auditorium.

Presented by International Fresh Faces, the pageant will have age divisions from birth to 12 and up for girls and from birth to age 5 for boys. All entries will receive an award. Contestants can preregister now by calling Connie at 740-0490 or Dena at 740-2759. Registrations can also be e-mailed at mofreshfaces@sbcglobal.net. Registration forms are available at the United Way office at 404 Park St.

Prizes will include crowns, medallions and banners, as well as savings bonds ranging from $75 to $500. Representatives from one of the country's top modeling agencies is also expected to attend. No experience is necessary for this pageant. Attire will not be judged.

Registration fees vary, with all contests entered for $70. Professional portrait packages will also be available for purchase at the pageant. Admission to the pageant will be $3 for adults and $1 for children. Children under 3 years of age will be admitted free of charge.

On Saturday morning, the first (hopefully annual) 5K Family Fun Run and 2K Walk will take place at 7:30 a.m.

The entry fee is only $20 in advance and participants get a t-shirt and a chili-tasting ticket to be used during the chili cookoff. Registration may be made by mail through Oct. 6 by sending a check payable to the United Way to Randy Lemons at Southern Bancorp, P.O. Box 809, Blytheville, AR 72315-0809. Registration can also be done online at www.racesonline.com through Oct. 13.

Individuals can also enter on the day of the race for $30 beginning at 6:30. Participants will meet on the parking lot of the Great River Medical Center.

Spaces are still available for chili teams, as well as arts, crafts, vendors and information booths.

The entry fee for chili teams, craft and information booths is $30. Booth fees for food vendors, who must comply with Arkansas State Health Department guidelines, are $75.

Booth space is available on a first-paid, first served basis and more than one space may be purchased at a time.

Chili tasting cups, which allow for trying each team's chili, will be for sale for only $3. Those attending can then vote on their favorite chili for the "People's Choice" award.

The year's festival will also include the Children's Block, which will feature games and rides on the United Way train. Entertainment will include "Chili Idol" on the Main Stage, as well as a mechanical bull, NASCAR races and performances by J.R. Rogers and the All-Stars on Friday night and Saturday.

For more information, or to sponsor or volunteer, contact the United Way of Greater Blytheville at P.O. Box 866, Blytheville, AR 72316 or stop by at 404 Park St., across from the post office.

The phone number is 763-7522 and the e-mail is unitedwayblytheville@sbcglobal.net

