October 1, 2009

The Buffalo Island Central girls golf team brought home the district championship trophy on Wednesday, Sept. 9, from the 2A-3 North Conference tournament held at Sage Meadows Country Club in Jonesboro...

The Buffalo Island Central Girls Golf team won the District Title. They are, from left: Ashley Jines, Jenna Pike, Lauren Roddy, Sarah Roddy, and Coach Mark Hurst. (photo provided)
The Buffalo Island Central Girls Golf team won the District Title. They are, from left: Ashley Jines, Jenna Pike, Lauren Roddy, Sarah Roddy, and Coach Mark Hurst. (photo provided)

The Buffalo Island Central girls golf team brought home the district championship trophy on Wednesday, Sept. 9, from the 2A-3 North Conference tournament held at Sage Meadows Country Club in Jonesboro.

Team members include Ashley Jines, senior; Jenna Pike, junior; and Sarah and Lauren Roddy, sophomores.

The twin Roddy sisters led the BIC girls and tied for District Medalist. The sisters had to have a "sudden death playoff" to break the tie. Sarah won the playoff against her sister for the medalist honors.

Sarah was excited she won, especially since her sister, Lauren, was named District Medalist last season.

The team is coached by Mark Hurst.

The girls represented BIC at the 2A Regional Tournament on Sept. 17 at Coopers Hawk in Melbourne.
