September 16, 2009

The Middle School Victorious Christian Youth (VCY) sponsored a program on Sept. 11 entitled "We're Proud to Be Americans" in memory of the 9/11 attack. Andrew Fleeman, senior high VCY president, led the group in the "Pledge of Allegiance."...

Manila Middle School Victorious Christian Youth sponsored a program in memory of the 9/11 victims who lost their lives in 2001. Pictured are Whitney Bunch, seventh grade; Ambrette Veach, sixth grade; Kole Minton, sixth grade, Hunter Dodd, seventh grade; Kelsen Watkins, eighth grade; and VCY senior president Andrew Fleeman. (Town Crier photo/Revis Blaylock)
Manila Middle School Victorious Christian Youth sponsored a program in memory of the 9/11 victims who lost their lives in 2001. Pictured are Whitney Bunch, seventh grade; Ambrette Veach, sixth grade; Kole Minton, sixth grade, Hunter Dodd, seventh grade; Kelsen Watkins, eighth grade; and VCY senior president Andrew Fleeman. (Town Crier photo/Revis Blaylock)

Manila Middle School Victorious Christian Youth (VCY) sponsored a program on Sept. 11 entitled "We're Proud to Be Americans" in memory of the 9/11 attack.

Andrew Fleeman, senior high VCY president, led the group in the "Pledge of Allegiance."

Middle School sponsor, Paula Poag, welcomed everyone and briefly explained the events of 9/11 so the students too young to actually remember that day would be aware of the tragic attacks on the United States.

Seventh grader, Whitney Bunch, read a poem written by a seventh grader from New York City. Entitled "We're Still Standing," it was written by Hennah Schoechart the day after the 9/11 attack.

Robin Adams, elementary speech therapist, sang "God Bless America," followed by a reading of "Meet Me in the Stairwell."

Tim Bassing, gifted and talented coordinator, led the group in a prayer.

Four Middle School students lit candles in honor of the 9/11 victims, their families, the emergency personnel who were killed trying to save the lives of others or fighting fires and for all Americans to remember that "freedom is not free."

Representing the fifth grade was Ambrette Veach; the sixth grade was Kole Minton; the seventh grade was Hunter Dodd; and the eighth grade was Kelsen Watkins.

Andrew Fleeman sang the "National Anthem" and closed the program with these words, "May God continue to bless America, help her to protect us all, and may she continue to shine as a beacon of democracy and hope to the rest of the world."

"See You At the Pole" will be held at 7:10 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23. The location of the program has been moved to the flag pole by the high school gymnasium. In case of inclement weather, the program will be held in the high school auditorium.

The See You At the Pole youth revival will be held at 6 p.m. Monday through Wednesday Sept. 21-23 at the Higher Ground Ministries building on Manila main street.
