September 1, 2009

It was standing-room-only Monday night for a special meeting of the Blytheville School Board, as patrons sought to address the board regarding the employment of High School Principal Bobby Ashley. However, the board's policy is not to permit unfavorable open discussion of employees, said Marrietta Jerome, board president, in her opening statement...

It was standing-room-only Monday night for a special meeting of the Blytheville School Board, as patrons sought to address the board regarding the employment of High School Principal Bobby Ashley.

However, the board's policy is not to permit unfavorable open discussion of employees, said Marrietta Jerome, board president, in her opening statement.

"The school board very much appreciates the interest of the patrons in the operations of their schools. We have no doubt that your interest is having the best for our students and our interest is exactly the same," Jerome told the crowd. "However, as the governing body of the Blytheville School District, we have considerable obligations beyond merely listening to patrons' complaints or praises about the district. We also have a very acute obligation to ensure that the Blytheville School District is not unnecessarily exposed to potential legal liability."

Jerome acknowledged that Monday night's meeting was called by petition, which was signed by at least 50 registered voters of the Blytheville School District. The method is allowed under state law. The citizens are contesting the recent hire of Ashley, who was fired as superintendent of the Booneville School District amid rumors of an affair with an employee. Ashley has denied the allegations.

After her opening statement, Jerome allowed one person to speak on behalf of the group.

The Rev. G. Bernard Steele spoke to the board, saying he "comes as a minister who is also concerned with human and social issues."

Steele went on to say that the group of people who asked for the meeting "are not here as protesters, instigators or spectators. We are here as parents and citizens."

"This is not about accusations. We want the board and superintendent to understand our opinions as citizens and ask that personal problems not get in the way," Steele said.

"My concern is over the students of Blytheville Public Schools," Steele said. He also asked that community leaders, such as educators "realize that those of us who have responsibility also calls for accountability."

He added that our community hangs on three hinges of opportunity: home, where respect should be taught; church, where morality and spirituality should be the focus; and school, where children are educated.

"We entrust our children to the care of those in administrative and educational positions. They hang out more with them than they do us at home," Steele said.

Steele closed his remarks by asking the school board to amend its methods of hiring in order to "get the best and the brightest" for our students.

Jerome then allowed one more person to speak. Donna Aldridge McCray had several questions to ask. Since there was a five-minute time limit for speaking, Jerome asked McCray to ask all her questions and then answers would be given.

Although McCray wanted each question answered individually, she eventually asked her questions. They were: What is the district's procedure for posting jobs and are all jobs posted? Was race and gender considered in hiring administrators? Is the school superintendent part of the selection committee?

Superintendent Richard Atwill answered McCray's questions, stating that he, as district supervisor, is in charge of the selection and hiring process.

Jerome explained that all recommendations for hiring employees come from Atwill. "The only position we (as a board) interview and hire is the superintendent," she explained.

Atwill said he and other administrators worked to check references, previous employers and other tasks when hiring new personnel.

"Race is not considered. We are looking for the best candidate with the best qualifications and certifications and licensures," Atwill said.

In fact, it is illegal for the school district to consider race or gender when hiring personnel, said Paul Blume, an attorney for the Arkansas School Board Association, who was in attendance at the meeting.

McCray was not satisfied with the answers, referring to the demographics of the student population.

Once again, Blume explained to her that race and gender cannot be considered as criteria for hiring personnel under federal law.

After the meeting, many of the persons attending the meeting remained on the steps of the administration building, claiming they had been "thrown out" of the meeting and that they had not been allowed to speak.
