August 26, 2009

Twenty-two golfing teams vied for a variety of prizes at the first annual Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Park Golf Tournament held Saturday at the Big Lake County Club in Manila. Golfers from all over Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri participated in the tournament, with proceeds going to the Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Park...

Manila Mayor Clifford Veach and Committee Chair Myrna Adams survey Saturday's golf tournament. (Town Crier photos/Trent Fletcher)
Manila Mayor Clifford Veach and Committee Chair Myrna Adams survey Saturday's golf tournament. (Town Crier photos/Trent Fletcher)

Twenty-two golfing teams vied for a variety of prizes at the first annual Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Park Golf Tournament held Saturday at the Big Lake County Club in Manila.

Golfers from all over Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri participated in the tournament, with proceeds going to the Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Park.

"We've had a great tournament," said Myrna Adams, committee chair. "We have had great participation. Tournament director Scott Hambrick of Olive Branch, Miss., provided a new truck for a hole in one prize. We've had a sponsor on all the holes, provided by area farmers and businesses."

Dell Goodman of Jonesboro follows through on the Par 3 fourth hole Saturday morning during the Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Golf benefit tournament.
Dell Goodman of Jonesboro follows through on the Par 3 fourth hole Saturday morning during the Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Golf benefit tournament.

While no one won the 2009 Ford STX pickup, Ellen White of Manila held the winning ticket for a Benelli Super Nova shotgun.

The categories and winners were: Chipping, first place, Larry Towell; second place, Matt Sullivan; third place, Dan Sullivan. Putting, first place, Harold Vines; second place, Tony Hawkins; third place, Janie Vines. Closest to the pin winners included Danny Stutts, Jim Goodman, Larry Watson and World War II Veteran Paul Stout.

Longest putt winners were Janice Hambrick and Ron Jones. Longest drive went to Laquita Eidson.

World War II Veteran Paul Stout of Senath,  Missouri, tees off Saturday morning at the Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Golf Tournament at Big Lake Country Club in Manila.
World War II Veteran Paul Stout of Senath, Missouri, tees off Saturday morning at the Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Golf Tournament at Big Lake Country Club in Manila.

Team winners in the Generals flight: Brewer, Duncan and Noble, Colonels flight, Towell, Towell and Towell, Majors flight, Poteet, Poteet and Pentecost.

"I wish to thank all the players, sponsors and all other supporters who have helped move the Buffalo Island Veterans Memorial Park project closer to fulfillment," concluded Adams.
