July 28, 2009

Members of the Blytheville School Board heard more about the district's use of money from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Suzanne Kenner, the district's curriculum coordinator, told the board that the district's plan for more than $16 million in funding was conditionally approved by the Arkansas Department of Education. The district has already received 5 percent of the requested funding from the Title I Funds and the IDEA funds or special education funds...

Members of the Blytheville School Board heard more about the district's use of money from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Suzanne Kenner, the district's curriculum coordinator, told the board that the district's plan for more than $16 million in funding was conditionally approved by the Arkansas Department of Education. The district has already received 5 percent of the requested funding from the Title I Funds and the IDEA funds or special education funds.

The district has not yet received any portion of the funds requested under the stability heading, but the state has yet to receive its share of

that funding, Kenner explained.

Stimulus money will be used to help fund consultants in the classrooms; replacement of Reading First libraries in grades K-3; help fund the updates of materials in all school libraries; help update all classroom libraries

and help buy more musical instruments for band classes.

"I just wanted to let you know about some of the classroom expenditures because I feel you might have gotten overwhelmed with all the technology we talked about last month," Kenner told the board.

In other business, the board heard from Mike Wallace, new principal at Blytheville Middle School. Wallace told the board that he "was honored" to be a part of the Blytheville School District.

"I'm very pleased with what I'm seeing at Blytheville Middle School," Wallace said.

Results of the past year's Benchmark tests were recently received, Wallace said. He was happy to see that the students at BMS continue to show improvement. He said that eighth-grade students have improved literacy

results from 14 percent proficient and above proficient in 2005 to 57 percent proficient in 2009.

Wallace said he wants to continue good programs that are already in place at BMS, such as faculty and staff members serving as positive reading role models for students.

The principal said he was also pleased that a parent-teacher organization is being formed at BMS.

The board heard an update of ongoing work on the facilities from Charles Van Pelt, facilities coordinator. He said work began Monday on removing the old gymnasium floor.

Supt. Richard Atwill told the board that a large photograph of the center of the floor, featuring the Blytheville Chickasaw was taken prior to the removal of the floor. Segments of the old floor will be sold to fund events within the athletic department. Those purchasing segments of the floor will also be provided a copy of the photograph, Atwill said.

The proceeds from the sale are not specifically earmarked, the superintendent. said.

"I'd like us to bring back athletic banquets," he said.

Van Pelt also told the board that bids were opened for replacement of the gym floor and a company from Memphis, Tenn. is doing the work.

Board member Tommy Bennett asked Van Pelt if the awning over the sidewalk at the kindergarten and primary school complex could be extended. Van Pelt said he and other personnel are now working on that.

An additional crossing guard will be added to that complex with the goal of improving traffic flow. Between the additional guard and the awning, smoother traffic flow should be achieved, he said.

The board also heard from the Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Diane Hay.She presented four students who recently competed in Odyssey of the Mind World Competition in Iowa. Blytheville's team, who were first-time participants, placed 8th in the world.

Atwill told the board about a meeting of the Mississippi County Election Commission where ballot positions were drawn. Three board positions are up for election. They are: Zone 1, where Billy Fair of 810 West Walnut is

running unopposed for reelection; Zone 2 where longtime board member Ollie Lofton of 812 S. Franklin is being challenged by Carlony J. Lewis of 912 S. Franklin; and Zone 6, where Scott Jowers of 1600 Martin and Tracey

Ritchey of 1125 Adams street are both seeking a seat that is being vacated by Bill Sullivan.

After an executive session, board members approved the appointment of Terrance Dunn as principal at BHS, then accepted his resignation. Atwill explained that the action had to be taken because Dunn had worked the first

month of the official school year before submitting his resignation last week. His resignation is effective July 31.

The district is now accepting applications for the position.

In other business, the board appointed Michael Nave as math teacher at BHS; Crystal Seward as 5th-grade teacher; Jennifer Spurlock as literacy and social studies teacher at Central; Camille Bragg, paraprofessional at CES; Russell Thomas and Johnny Williams, bus drivers.

The board accepted the resignations of Felicia Mitchell, PE/Coach at BIS, Julie Moore, assistant principal at BIS, Steven Underwood, social studies teacher at BMS; and Elizabeth Carter, bus driver.

