Colby Qualls, an upcoming junior at Buffalo Island Central High School, was recently selected to compete in the 2009 Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association All-Star Tournament held at Arkansas State University in Beebe.
Colby's selection was based on his outstanding individual performance at the AGQBA Regional Tournament held in Sloan Hendrix where he was named to the Regional All-tournament Team.
Colby is the first sophomore at BIC and one of only three sophomores across the state invited to participate in the AGQBA All-Star Tournament. All-star team members were divided into mixed-ability and mixed-school classification teams that competed for scholarship money.
Colby, a four-year BIC Quiz Bowl member, served as 2009 Senior High Quiz Bowl captain and 2008 Junior High Quiz Bowl captain. This is his second year to be named to a regional all-tournament team. His BIC Quiz Bowl sponsor was Debbie Olive, BIC Junior High counselor and teacher.