July 2, 2009

Fourteen local senior citizens recently traveled to Jonesboro to compete in the 2009 Senior Games sponsored by the East Arkansas Area Agency on Aging. The athletes competed in track and field events, including shot put, javelin, mile walk, and mixed relay walk. Other Olympic-type events included weight-lifting, bowling, pool, BB-gun shooting, football throw, softball throw, basketball free-throw, basketball, horseshoes, all types of dancing and other athletic events...

Fourteen local senior citizens recently traveled to Jonesboro to compete in the 2009 Senior Games sponsored by the East Arkansas Area Agency on Aging.

The athletes competed in track and field events, including shot put, javelin, mile walk, and mixed relay walk. Other Olympic-type events included weight-lifting, bowling, pool, BB-gun shooting, football throw, softball throw, basketball free-throw, basketball, horseshoes, all types of dancing and other athletic events.

They also competed in non-traditional events, such as needle crafts, crochet, knitting, board games, woodworking, baked goods and canning, washer pitch and beanbag baseball.

One of the center's two beanbag baseball teams, the Silver Sluggers, took second place in the games.

Nearly 1,000 senior athletes competed in the two-day event, held at the Convocation Center at Arkansas State University.

Those from the Blytheville Center who competed and their events were Daryl Johnson, bench press, leg press and BB gun; Joseph Ellis, pool, horseshoes, soccer, softball and football; Dale Welch, javelin, shotput, softball and baggo; Herb Loveless, washer pitch, Rumikube, pool, long jump, beanbag baseball; Jesse Coalter, pool, washer pitch, football toss;

Mary Martin, shot put, javelin, football accuracy, football throw, baseball throw, crafts; Jimmy Smith, basketball, softball, football, pool, leg lift, arm curl, bench press; Estella Crenshaw, walk, basketball, football, beanbag baseball, balloon bust; Katie Sumerall, basketball free-throw, softball, horseshoes, basketball, beanbag baseball; Amanda Walker, beanbag baseball, football throw and baggo; Martha Gunter, javelin, shot put;

Dorothy David, balloon bust, basketball, baseball, 2-meter run and line dancing; Fay Myers, 2-meter run, line dancing, balloon bust; and June Cherry, crafts, baggo, balloon bust, washer pitch, beanbag baseball.

Joseph Ellis of the Blytheville Senior Center was the oldest athlete to participate at the event.

