May 6, 2009

Blytheville Police are investigating a shooting incident that occurred in the southwest part of Blytheville Monday afternoon. Officers were called to the 2300 block of West Rose at 2:30 p.m., for a report of a gunshot victim. When police arrived on the scene, Tomika Burks, 25, said her husband, Emmanuel Burks, 27, had shot her in the hand. Tomika told police that she and her husband have been separated for about six months...

Blytheville Police are investigating a shooting incident that occurred in the southwest part of Blytheville Monday afternoon.

Officers were called to the 2300 block of West Rose at 2:30 p.m., for a report of a gunshot victim. When police arrived on the scene, Tomika Burks, 25, said her husband, Emmanuel Burks, 27, had shot her in the hand. Tomika told police that she and her husband have been separated for about six months.

Tomika told officers that Emmanuel came to her residence wanting to talk, and when she told him she didn't want to talk, he then became angry with her. Emmanuel then grabbed her by the waist and forced her outside of the residence where he became even more angry with her, so she began to walk towards the door to get back inside the house.

Emmanuel then opened the trunk of his vehicle and removed what she thought was a shotgun.

When Tomika raised her right hand to tell Emmanuel to stop and leave her alone, Emmanuel fired the weapon, striking Tomika in the right hand. Emmanuel then left the area and has not been located since.

Tomika was taken to Great River Medical Center for treatment to her injured hand.

Emmanuel Burks has been charged with Battery II and is being sought after at this time by Blytheville police.
