May 5, 2009

Manila City Council members were updated on the city clean-up from the ice storm and annexation progress at the regular April meeting held on Monday evening, April 21. Mayor Clifford Veach said the clean-up from the ice storm is almost complete...

Manila City Council members were updated on the city clean-up from the ice storm and annexation progress at the regular April meeting held on Monday evening, April 21.

Mayor Clifford Veach said the clean-up from the ice storm is almost complete.

"It should be wrapped up this week," Veach said. "It has been a long, hard battle, but the people in town have been patient. We had such a large magnitude of debris on the ground and more when they trimmed. I do appreciate everyone in town for their patience.

Through March the city has paid $34,320 and we owe a lot more."

Veach said the city has applied to FEMA and for state funds for almost $300,000.

"The paperwork has been submitted," Veach said. "Our project manager has approved and submitted it to the state. The woman who is working on it is very thorough."

Veach said he would keep the council updated.

City Attorney Wayne Wagner discussed the annexation project underway. He said a meeting had been set for Tuesday evening giving residents in the proposed annexation areas the opportunity to ask questions.

"Some of the questions I have been asked addresses street paving, city water, and garbage pick-up," Wagner said. "I have everything ready to file once the list is completed."

The Council voted unanimously to accept the low bid, $32,500, from Oates Construction for renovation and expansion of the concession stand at the ballpark.

"When it is all finished, it will be something to be proud of," Mayor Veach said.

The Council also reviewed and accepted the low bid of $2,130 for construction of a building for the lift station in the Farmers Addition. The low bid was submitted by Lance Mullins. Mayor Veach said the materials will be purchased from Barton Lumber. He estimated the total project at $4,700 to $4,800.

Mayor Veach said the new fire station is complete. He said they have $7,800 in grant funds available. The city put in more funds than needed.

"We have purchased new appliances and have a few more things to do," Veach said.

He presented an estimate from MoArk for the purchase of a new stand-alone radio tower and the removal of the existing tower in the amount of $4,162. The new radio tower will be placed at the fire station. The Council voted unanimously to go with the project.

Council also voted to go with Delta Fence Co. to have a six foot chain link fence with a 20 foot gate to be placed behind the fire station at a cost of $4,578.

In other business:

*Veach updated the council on the airport runway widening project. Bids were opened at 11 a.m. Monday, April 21.

He said the engineer would evaluate the bids and come back with a recommendation. The airport work is being done through grant money. Council voted unanimously to accept the bid with the approval from the engineering firm and Mayor Veach.

*Mayor Veach recommended supporting the Buffalo Island Relay for Life in the amount of $500. The sponsorships will have their names placed on tee shirts and banners or signs will be placed around the track.

*Council approved the purchase of a 2000 F450 Ford diesel truck to be used with the chipper.

*The council gave approval for Mayor Veach and Henry Ford, water superintendent, to look into purchasing a golf cart for the water department. The golf cart is used by meter readers. The refurbished golf cart purchased in 2000 has quit working.
