Roughly one in every three people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. That's why is so important for everyone to support Relay for Life.
Work has already begun for this year's event, which is scheduled for June 5 in Walker Park. The goal this year is to raise $152,000 for the ACS.
Relay for Life is a 12-hour event that allows teams to raise funds in honor or in memory of persons affected by cancer. Team members promise to stay on the course for the entire 12 hours. Only one member of the team must be on the course at one time, as long as the team is represented at all times during the relay.
The chairman of the event is Linda Peterson, who said this year's relay will include several of the same teams that participated last year.
So far, teams from Nucor, Farmers in the Dell, ESA, Ultimate Fitness, Cobb Funeral Home, Blytheville Leadership Institute, Cars and Cycles Against Cancer, Hays, Westminster Village, Ipsco and several local banks have registered teams.
"We need to get more teams and more diversified teams," Peterson said. She encourages all area churches, businesses, civic and professional groups and even social organizations to form teams and join in this year's Relay.
Relay for Life began in the 1980s after a surgeon in Tacoma, Wash., ran and walked for 83 miles in a 24-hour period to raise awareness for cancer research and to support his own patients affected by cancer. During his run, friends and family members donated $25 to the American Cancer Society to run or walk with the doctor.
Since then, events all over the United States, and now in many other countries have raised funds for the American Cancer Society to help find a cure for cancer.
The donations totaled $27,000 the first year.
The theme for this year's relay is "Uniting for a Cure" and each team involved my choose a country to represent in the relay. The theme was chosen because Relay for Life has now spread to many countries around the world and because cancer is indiscriminate and knows no boundaries. Cancer strikes people of all ages, races, incomes and nationalities.
The Relay will also include the traditional luminaria ceremony, which can be purchased in honor or memory of someone affected by cancer. The luminaries will be used to light up the walking route after dark, Peterson said.
In addition to walking along the path, there will be all kinds of games, food and activities to keep walkers motivated throughout the event.
"We'll have local groups singing, blow-up games for kids, all kinds of things," Peterson said. Each team will have a booth and can set up games and activities for all to enjoy.
In conjunction with Relay, the annual Daffodil Dinner has been scheduled for March 28 at Arkansas Northeastern College. The event will include a semi-formal dinner and an auction. Each Relay team will provide items for the auction.
Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased from any Relay for Life Team member.
The Farmers in the Dell team will be having a chili supper next weekend to raise funds for their team. The supper will be at the Dell Community Center on Feb. 20 from 5-7 p.m.
Tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for kids 3-12. Kids under 3 eat free. Carryouts will be available.
Anyone interested in forming a Relay team is asked to call Peterson at 762-5500 or Carol Lammers at 564-2696.