January 26, 2009

Thirty people have signed up to be trained as volunteer staff members of the Great River Charitable Health Clinic, said clinic director Connie Ash. Training of those volunteers started Saturday at Arkansas Northeastern College. Training will continue for the volunteer staff on subsequent Fridays and Saturdays, Ash said...

Thirty people have signed up to be trained as volunteer staff members of the Great River Charitable Health Clinic, said clinic director Connie Ash.

Training of those volunteers started Saturday at Arkansas Northeastern College. Training will continue for the volunteer staff on subsequent Fridays and Saturdays, Ash said.

Volunteers will be trained in skills needed, such as greeting clients, setting appointments, knowledge of services provided, office procedures and other aspects of the clinic and its operations.

Staff of the clinic will begin screening clients on Feb. 16. Clients must be pre-qualified before any health care can be given, Ash said.

The clinic's call center will be open Feb. 9 to allow clients to call to make appointments for their screenings. Clients will see doctors and other medical personnel for the first time on Feb. 19.

In order to be served by the clinic, clients must not have any type of health insurance, including Medicare, Medicaid, ARKids First or VA benefits, said Chris Cooper, president of the Clinic's executive committee.

Clients must also meet income requirements.

The clinic will offer not only medical care, but also limited dental care, prescription medications, optometric care, limited laboratory testing and pastoral care. The clinic personnel will also make referrals to other available services whenever possible.

The clinic will not provide well-child care, immunizations or any other services that are already provided at the local county health units.

"The idea is to provide service that is not there. We don't want to duplicate any services that are currently offered," Cooper said.

The clinic is in the former Housing Authority Office at 33 Arkansas St. Clinic hours will be from 6-9 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of each month.

The phone number at the clinic is 762-5459. This number may be used to schedule an appointment for screening, or to get more information.

In an executive committee meeting last week, officers heard an update on the final items to be completed before the clinic opens.

"It's really coming together," Cooper said of the facility and its furnishings.

Dental equipment will be delivered and installed in the next few days, he said. Only a few other minor items, such as the installation of plates on electrical outlets, need to be done.

"It's the little things that need to be done," said Ricky Ash, vice president of the executive committee. "We're coming along fine."

Much of the materials for the clinic and the renovation of the location have been donated or provided at a reduced cost, Ash said.

Donations of cash, items or labor are still being accepted. Donations may be sent to Great River Charitable Clinic, attention Marcia McClain, treasurer, at P.O. Box 494, Blytheville, AR 72316.

For more information on the clinic or to volunteer, visit its Web side at www.greatriverclinic.org.
